What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

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What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby JoanE » Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:40 pm

My little Maggie is not right. She is having bouts of hard panting. A few weeks ago she started having diarrhea. I removed her food just giving her water letting her digestive system calm down. As soon as I offered food, she began vomiting. I withdrew the food again and tried little bits of cooked rice and chicken. She kept it down, the loose BMs went away and she seemed like she would be okay. But the panting is not going away and she is also thirsty. My vet examined her, took blood which he said was all normal and gave her a non-steroidal shot with penicillan. If she got better, his thought is that she might be in pain from something not manifesting during his exam where he prodded, bent and pulled on her.

Well she is not better. In spite of me having the A/c on today she wanted to lay next to me at the dinette panting away. Last week she didn't want to walk. She would lie down when I took her for a walk and refuse to get up. She only wanted to go for walks early in the morning or late at night.

I am wondering if I need to see a different vet. Her symptoms could be diabetes, cushings. Another thing, she wants to eat feces too. She has never done anything like that before. Any suggestions from all of you experienced dog owners? I've never dealt with these symptoms before. Maggie is 11 or 12.
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:10 am

I'd get a second opinion from another vet. Sounds pretty serious to me.
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby retiredhappy » Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:51 am

I would get her to another vet for a second opinion. Please keep us posted.
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby Dawn309 » Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:18 pm

Definitely get a second opinion. This does not sound good. Please keep us posted.
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:25 pm

She's on heartworm meds, right?
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby JoanE » Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:55 pm

Mitch, yes she is on Trifexis which is a combination heartworm, flea and parasite protection. I spoke to another vet online today. She suggested that I have her tested for Cushings. I had requested a copy of Maggie's blood tests from my vet (actually my vet's associate) and noticed a couple of readings way out of whack. The vet I spoke to today said she thought one was probably not accurate and the other was not anything to worry about. But the other symptoms sounded like Cushings.

So will see what happens.
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby Redetotry » Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:51 pm

Here is an article about Cushings, http://www.kateconnick.com/library/cushingsdisease.html it is very difficult to diagnose. They thought Winnie had it but her symptoms were not like Maggie's except for the excess drinking and frequent urinating. They may do a ultra sound to see if there is a tumor on the adrenal glands.

Since you mention you give Trifexis, I would suspect side effects from that because of the vomiting and other symptoms, did it happen soon after you gave it too her? It hasn't been on the market that long so they may not be that familiar with symptoms.
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:09 pm

I also vote for the second opinion. The ultrsound would also show if there are inflamed organs or areas. Animals all have different responses to pain and pain thresholds..... :shock:
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby Bethers » Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:44 pm

I vote for seeing a 2nd vet also - and for double-checking that the Triflexis isn't somehow causing it. Here are adverse symptoms from their website:
Q: What side effects might occur with Trifexis?
Like all medications, sometimes side effects may occur. In some cases, dogs vomited after receiving Trifexis. If vomiting occurs within an hour of administration, redose with another full dose. During field studies, no severe or prolonged vomiting occurred. Additional adverse reactions observed in the clinical studies were itching, decreased activity, diarrhea, inflammation of the skin, redness of the skin, decreased appetite and redness of the ear. All reactions were regarded as mild. For technical assistance or to report a suspected adverse drug reaction, contact Elanco Animal Health at 1-888-545-5973. Additional information can be found at www.trifexis.com. Alternatively, suspected adverse drug reactions may be reported to FDA at 1-888-FDA-VETS or http://www.fda.gov/ AnimalVeterinary/ SafetyHealth/ ReportaProblem/ ucm055305.htm

Now, if Maggie Mae has been getting it for quite awhile with no symptoms, that might not be it - but if it's the only med she's taking, I might first try changing it to see if that helps.
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:03 am

Bethers wrote: Now, if Maggie Mae has been getting it for quite awhile with no symptoms, that might not be it - but if it's the only med she's taking, I might first try changing it to see if that helps.

Sometimes animals can do fine with a med for awhile and then all of a sudden get an adverse reaction to it, so don't rule that out completely, either.
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby Travelinana » Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:18 am

My Shih Tzu, Lovey, was diagnosed with Cushings one year before the died. She was overweight and I had no success reducing it. A couple of days before she died she stopped eating and stopped all interaction with Rudy. The day she died she was panting terribly, couldn't even lie down, had to stay up on her front legs to get air. I tried to hold her but she wouldn't let me. That was on Sunday and she would have seen the Vet the next day but she died that evening. Lovey was about 12. I know how you are suffering too..so hard to see your precious Maggie suffer.
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby OutandAbout » Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:05 pm

Maggie Mae's symptoms sound a lot like my Phoebe's . Phoebe was having difficulty breathing and would not settle down. She was also overweight and about 10 years old. She wasn't diagnosed with Cushings or any other illness, but was constantly panting. It was really late at night, naturally, so I took her to the emergency pet hospital, but she passed away on the way there. Hope your Maggie Mae will be okay. Linda
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby avalen » Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:01 pm

any update on Maggie?
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby retiredhappy » Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:57 pm

Update on Maggie??
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Re: What is wrong with Maggie Mae?

Postby Dawn309 » Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:29 pm

Me too, how is Maggie doing?
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