YAY! It's Tuesday and my day off. Also get tomorrow off too!!! Kelly has to work and clean the bathrooms, rec hall and laundry room but as soon as she is done we are heading for Johnson City to see David and Connor. David is gonna work on the truck as it's been running like crap for a while now. It does just fine at a higher speed but chugs and bucks at a speed of 5mph. Then of course it likes to stall at stop signs and red lights if I'm not careful. He is also gonna see what he can do with the drivers door not shutting right. Ahhhhhhh! So nice to have a son that works on cars and trucks. Kelly and I are gonna hit our fave Chinese restaurant while we are up there.
Have been up for a couple of hours now. It's the nerves in my shoulders that are causing the problem. But dang my hands get leaden and ache something wicked. It's like they had just gone to sleep, you know that horrible dead leaden, achy, tingly feeling ya get?If I could afford it I would go to a chiropractor and have my back worked on.
Need to do some site picking up before we leave as we cleaned most everything out of the back of the truck. Need to slide it under the trailer for now and spruce things up a little. Other than that I guess after our showers we will be good to go.
Hope everyone has a super great day and that what ever ya'll get into or do make sure ya play safe.
Love to all