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Re: Missy

Postby Excel » Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:56 pm

Got the dog food (different brand), a new (bigger....from xxsmall to xsmall :lol: )harness so we can go on walks again, a new toy (of course...to add to the dozen already all over the house) ....and after speaking to the store mgr. bought something called 'Calming'...It's a dog treat for stress reduction which she thinks may be why she throws up in the car...will try it. But the interesting thing was, I mentioned how she liked the carrots I'd added to her dog food yesterday that my daughter suggested & I was told there is Vegetarian dog food available...... :shock: Who knew...So I got a sample packet of Dr. Harvey's Canine Health which is sort of vegetarian oatmeal like.....no protein in it so you have to add your own meat & hot water....and a sample of Dr. Harvey's Veg to bowl....same veg oatmeal kind of stuff which again you add your own meat & water to. So when I brought her home I made her a 1/2 pge (add hot water let it set for 10 min.) & I put some rice I had from left overs which I added also & gave it to her....She is definitely a pig :o ...You would have thought I hadn't fed her in a week....she wolfed that down then dragged the bowl around.....I think she was trying to tell me to fill it again....did not! I want her to be excited to eat & don't want her to get sick from overeating (fast)....the gal at Petco said one package a day with no other food.....Let me tell you .... this dog ain't gonna go for that. Also, I checked out the 'Greenies' (Kelly was right...they are really expensive) plus the gal said to wait till she's 8 mos, old or so...thinks they're not good for younger dogs....Wonder why they have them in puppy size then..??? No accident going or coming home from the pet store either..... :D Course it's only 5 blocks or so.....but still 8-)
Just checking in to share my experience....I so want this to work cause if I have to re-home this dog...that's it...I'm not going to try again. Oh! Forgot to mention, she snores and when I sit in my chair in front of the TV, she sits on her pillow on the carpet beside me and watches TV....Gotta go find a dog movie with dogs that bark :lol:
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Re: Missy

Postby Redetotry » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:06 am

I can see the pictures now and Missy is adorable!!! I would ask the vet before giving Greenies, so many dogs have choked on them I think they reformulated but still if you are giving her mostly good dog food without a lot of preservatives and additives be careful what kind of treats you offer. My little ones don't like to ride either, first dogs I have ever had that didn't beg to go every time a trip was evident! I hope she changes her mind as she gets a little older.
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Re: Missy

Postby WickedLady » Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:14 pm

Sounds like progress (fingers crossed). Try to make each outing a fun trip (to a dog park, or a walk someplace new) so she will look forward to going. Hope it works out for you.
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Re: Missy

Postby Excel » Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:00 pm

Well, here I am again. Missy is recuperating in her bed as I type. I took her to my son's house for a family dinner & of course the other 2 Labs were there so guess who got to play & terrorize those 2 poor dogs. By the time I left, Missy was totally unrecognizable as it has been raining & somewhat cold at night so muddy yards, etc. She looked like a mud ball. However, she was absolutely quiet going home .... I think the term is exhausted.... so much so that she didn't throw up. Yes, still have the problem at least half the time.....Anyhow, it as too late to bathe her so she slept all night with 1/2 the mud from Scott's yard all over her. Woke her up this morning & she looked more brown than black....mud having dried over night. So first thing this AM she got a bath....which she doesn't like but puts up with. A quick blow dry & brush & she was done. However, I then had to take her in the car (& I have that car seat that my friend gave me) so she could visit Petco for her shots. I really can't afford a Vet to give her the shots she needs so this was my alternative. She got 3 of something....I have paperwork but can't figure it out....& I have to bring her back in 4 wks. for a Rabies shot....Anyhow it cost me $55 & I feel good about it. I've never done this before as my X took care of the dog we had & my daughter took care of the dog we had, so here I am feeling stupid but know as a responsible pet owner that I have to do what is best for the dog. Have any of you used these services? Am I doing the right thing? There's a regular doctor (Vet) that gives the medication....I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance that just because this is less expensive than a Vet would charge that it is okay. It's put on by Luvmypet at all the Petco locations & it is advertised that a Licensed Vet does the shots. Missy did pretty well except she squealed when the Vet did something or gave her something at her mouth...??? They told me she'd be sleepy today & that seems to be true....plus she's moving kind of slow...I'm just trying to keep my eye on her....will be glad for this day to be over so tomorrow she will feel better....Just kind of worrisome if you're unsure as I am....opinions appreciated..........
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Re: Missy

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:23 pm

Keep and eye on her. Some dogs do have reactions to their vaccinations. In rare cases it can set off other immune disorders...

And I might trust them as a shot clinic......I wouldn't for anything beyond that. Go out on line a read some of their reviews. I haven't read them lately but did read them about three years ago and they were scary then......
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Re: Missy

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:12 pm

I don't know anything about petco vet services. I just think it would be better to have a history with a local vet if you can. It's been a long time since we have had a puppy so don't know what shots they need but I'm sure you can find that on the internet. I just think it's a good idea to keep them up to date with their shots, especially the dogs we haul around and expose to other places and animals.

Sometimes the annual vaccination makes a couple of our cats sleep a lot for a couple of days. I don't think it makes them sick but probably sore. They are just not their usual wild selves.

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Re: Missy

Postby Sandersmr » Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:06 pm

I actually use Banfield at PetSmart for my vet services. I feel that they do get pretty good attention there and have caught some things with the dogs over time that I wouldn't have caught.
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