Good morning Ladies, some of you might laugh at my thread title , now hush Sue, but you must remember I have been in Fl. where they were having a wonderfully warm winter. I am back home now and while temps have not been bad, this is cool ( 30 at 7 am, frost everywhere). I do not have my newer home winterized, so some concern there, and not liking the chill bumps all over me
I must go grocery shop today, but where to go is a puzzle. Last Friday it seems we had a tornado come through this area and took off roof of my favorite store, even Wal mart was closed for awhile, but my neighbor thinks some of it might be open again. To far to go to find out today. Quite a lot of damage, but no lives lost, Thank God. Wondering if my hairdresser is still open, sure need her. This all happened while Sarah and I, were dodging storms in her home state, gosh never realized how bad it was here.
Need water mostly, so will have to go shopping somewhere, as well people always dump a jug or more of chlorine down a well when they have pulled the pump up. Smells so strong, I'm even afraid to wash clothes yet. Think my hair is whiter this morning too
I have spent this past two days off and on, going through this pile of junk(called mail). You have to check each piece, for something that might be important and that is so time comsuming and boring. So its real fun times here. Hope you all have more then I do to look forward to today. Please post some happy things ok?
Have a great day everyone, but please stay safe
CArol , (wishing I was anywhere but here )