Quartzsite January 19-27, 2019

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Quartzsite January 19-27, 2019

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:56 am

I am thinking of going to this show this January for maybe three or four days, but have some concerns and questions. Where do all of you stay when you meet there as a group and how far is it away from the show? And do you stay a long way from the highway?

My biggest worry is transportation since all I have is my motorhome and my electric bike. I could ride to town on my bike if it is not too far and there is a paved shoulder. Is that doable? I really don't want to depend on any of you to give me rides each day.

I am going to call tomorrow to see if there are vacancies in the RV parks in town because that might be easier for me. I don't mind doing without electric, but I made a choice not to tow, so that does very occasionally limit me, which I accept. Is there anyone else who would prefer to stay in town with me to be close to all the action, so to speak?
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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby Bethers » Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:07 am

Judy, I think you'd be fine with your bike from where we stay. I've walked it more than once. Some of the parks in town would be just as far. I won't have a car either... Sometimes do on my own, but also sometimes join someone.
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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:31 am

Which show are you referring to? I think pretty much everything takes place within a half mile or so from town. The camping area where the gals here stay is just a short way from where the RV show and flea market takes place. It is walkable and definitely bike-able.
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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jul 09, 2018 2:00 pm

Can anyone describe that location more specifically? Like north of some landmark??

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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby Bethers » Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:10 pm

JudyJB wrote:Can anyone describe that location more specifically? Like north of some landmark??


La Posa North BLM... Only a couple blocks from the entrance of the show to the entrance of La Posa North. We park 6 or 8 or so blocks from the entrance.

Here's a screen shot of the distance from the entrance of La Posa north and the intersection where the rv show happens.


I guess we park about the same distance inside as the distance to the intersection.
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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:21 pm

That is close! Do you have any problems getting in there or do you get there early? I was thinking of arriving on the 16th and the show starts on the 19th. I would leave on the 22nd because I have reservations at Lake Pleasant, which is 125 miles away.

Also, where do you get water and dump tanks?
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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby Bethers » Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:25 pm

Getting into the blm land or the show? The blm land always has room. As to the show, sometimes it's more crowded than others but you can always get in.

And this year I'll try to be there whenever others will be... I'll be a boondocking bum most of this winter. I think.
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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby snowball » Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:53 pm

Judy you are always welcome and although most of the BLM roads are dirt there is 1/2 mile that isn't from where I camp and others gather it is about a mile to the highway then what a 1/4 mile to the big tent...doable on the bike as well as walking and lots of people have cars with extra seats :lol: there are vendors about 3 areas of them google Quartzsite and see what comes up on them... there are lots and lots of RV parks one across from the big tent except for this one no closer than what we are..as to water ect when you pay for a stay you get to get water and use the dump it's at South LaPosa which I think is about 3 miles away there is also a place in town that you can get water it is one of those really filtered osmosa type ones I think they have a dump as well. Because I plant this thing and it doesn't move till I leave I have it pumped out...
hope this helps out some look forward to seeing you
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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby chalet05 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:40 am

FYI - To stay at La Posa, we pay $40 for two weeks (at least last time I was there). Also Quartzsite has an 's' in it. :) Whether you go to LaPosa south or the Pit Stop in town to dump and refill water, you may have to wait in line. The Pit Stop has propane as well.
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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:04 pm

Hope you make it Judy, and, stay with us as we do have fun! I will be there for my usual two weeks. lyn

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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby monik7 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:22 pm

I’ll be there 2 weeks too starting the week before the show. Judy, I would be very careful riding your bike on paved 95 from the entrance of LaPosa North to the big tent and vendor area. Lots of cars and RVs along there on the two-lane road. Also when you get there, you would have to park your bike (if you’re OK with that) before going into the big tent or vendor area. I’m not sure whether I’ve seen any bike racks. I think you shouldn’t worry too much about how you’ll get from our area to the show. If you don’t ride your bike, someone who has a car is always going and can give you a ride. You would miss a lot of the fun if you decide to stay in town rather than at the GTG next to Sheila. Others have done that in the past and we never saw them at the GTG.
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Re: Quartzite 2019???

Postby snowball » Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:39 pm

chalet05 wrote:FYI - To stay at La Posa, we pay $40 for two weeks (at least last time I was there). Also Quartzsite has an 's' in it. :) Whether you go to LaPosa south or the Pit Stop in town to dump and refill water, you may have to wait in line. The Pit Stop has propane as well.

still is Anita although I believe they have added a daily rate..at least in the summer it was
something like 7.50 still cheaper to pay for the 14 days
there is also something where you can pay a fee for getting water and dumping which is good for all the BLM areas but don't remember the particulars of it
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Re: Quartzsite 2019???

Postby JudyJB » Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:00 am

I have decided that I am definitely joining you all on the 16th and leaving the 22. So, I will stop and buy a 14 day pass and fill with water before i come in. And I can either ride with one of you or try to ride my bike to the show. My cousin works in the big tent and camps on the property, so I can park my bike and lock it up at his place.

I'll check with you all later and find out what I should bring in terms of food. I'll bring a couple of bottles of champagne, as my son in Napa keeps me supplied.
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Re: Quartzsite 2019???

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:12 am

I am gonna try to make it to this again. Judy, if I remember right, there is not a paved shoulder on that road, just gravel, but the vehicles moves pretty slowly thru there because of the heavy traffic. There is always someone coming and going tho, so you won't have a problem getting there and back.
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Re: Quartzsite 2019???

Postby snowball » Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:31 am

yea it will be so good to see you both...
to early to talk food but I am sure it will happen
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