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Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:43 pm
by Liz
A few of us met for a getaway get-together at Obey River cg on Dale Hollow Lake. Tina, Sarah, Carol, BJ, Liz, and Carol’s friends, Sandra and Dick.

Tina wasted no time getting her new kayak wet. Here Sarah watches her paddle into the sunset from her site. Sarah and Carol have the two best sites right on the water, so it is our gathering place.
Sandra, Dick, BJ, Carol, Sarah
Sarah with Nicky; Tina with Remi and Stuart
Carol with Maggie; BJ with Toby
Sunset the first night
In the morning Tina and I both took our kayaks out with the dogs. Looking back at Sarah’s site.
We’re going to kayak around the island.
There are geese over there, says Thistle!
And lots of nesting birds. This is a Great Blue Heron on a nest.
Thistle hears the commotion of the rookeries on the island. Very noisy, but couldn’t see much through the foliage.
These Turkey Vultures may have a nest too.
Around the backside of the island.
There’s something over there I should get, Mom.
It’s a turtle!
Ok, we’re tired now.
Tina studying the root art.
There goes a snake, swimming fast!
I think it is a Copperhead....yikes!
Tomorrow we are renting a pontoon boat so we can all get out on the lake.

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:48 pm
by VickieP
Looks like fun!

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:49 pm
by mitch5252
Look at that Thistle!!! Amazing how well he took to Life With Liz!! I love the sound asleep pic.
Thanks for the smiles. Glad you're all having fun.
Just checked the weather - looking pretty darn good for you.

ON EDIT: Is Thistle a HE or a SHE? I can't remember?


Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 5:24 pm
by BirdbyBird
Yes, we are having fun. And I now know were Liz has been this afternoon. At her computer! :) Stuart and Remi got a walk around the campground and then Stuart got to go in swimming to cool down one hot black/gray dog! Remi, said no thank you and passed on the opportunity.

Also just got a call from Lyn outside of Louisville! Stuart's younger 1/2 sister that now lives with her and her husband is expecting. Her doctor confirmed it today. (She missed on the attempt last September.) That should put puppy time around the middle of June! Stuart is going to be an uncle! Izzy is an orange roan but I am expected all the puppies to be Blue Roans (like Stuart) and their pappa.

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:14 pm
by Readytogo
How come everytime Sarah goes there is a snake?

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:20 pm
by avalen
oh fun, and yea on the puppies

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:44 pm
by Olive600
That looks like so much fun. I wish Olive and I could have been there.

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:49 pm
by Nasoosie
Super pics, and do I ever LOVE Sarah's site. I need to bookmark that campground and the number of that site is????? that reminds me of the silver Lake site back home that I love...right on the water.
The picture of tired-out Thistle made me laugh out loud! He sure is a happy dog these days! Thanks for taking the time to share with us!

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:07 pm
by Bethers
Thistle conked out cracked me up. From so attentive to I've had enough!

Looks like everyone is having a great time. And yep it looks like a great place to spend some time.

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 8:48 am
by mitch5252
Ladies, your time at Dale Hollow Lake is drawing to a close in a couple of days.
I thought I'd give some of you something to look forward to...

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Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:58 am
by BirdbyBird
Mitch it looks like a go for kayaking in the pond! :o :lol:

We had a very strong storm blow through yesterday afternoon. The weather fronts did not play well together...luckily it hit after we had gotten the pontoon boat back. Unfortunately the wind came up suddenly in that part of the afternoon where we say we are reading but often find ourselves napping. Carol lost the connections for the arms on her awning and her awning is currently being held together with bungies and ties.... Good Sam is scheduled to come out today and get her at least safe for driving down the road. Sarah woke up just in time to push the button to get her electric awning in but had made the mistake of trying to open her door and the wind was not going to let her shut it least not easily. Then she spend time trying to calm storm sensitive Nicky down.

Liz and I and BJ managed to get Liz's awning down by sheer luck and one nasty crack of the awning strut across Liz's nose. :shock: We are still waiting to see if she comes up with two black eyes and a wild story. Carol's awning was already waving in the wind by the time most of the rest of us figured out why the rig had started rocking soooo much! She had some neighbors on her other side that came to rescue her and Dick and Sandy came down to their site as soon as Dick got his awning in. We are thinking that Carol's determination to hang on saved her roof from the awning rolling over the top of her unit. We will find out later. Carol is one tough cookie and obviously has a strong heart still! Both she and Sarah discovered the downside of those beautiful lake side camp site on the water. The wind hit them first coming off the lake! :?

Oh, and BJ got locked out of her rig in all the excitement. Luckily she had Toby with her and though the wait for the rescue locksmith was lengthy....she got to hang out with her neighbor Liz and Thistle. We are all appreciating the support of road side service after yesterday! It is nice to know that those phone calls work.

Another sunny day this morning with storms moving in this afternoon but tomorrow shows up with sunshine. Just in time for a few more kayak rides and opportunity to dry out damp dog beds.....those belonging to the damp swimming dog..... :lol:

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:25 am
by mitch5252
OMG - I am so glad you are all okay...what an afternoon of misadventures!!

Carolyn had trouble one time while visiting The Blue Marlin. She had a very good experience with a nearby dealer. Here's the link to that thread.

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:37 am
by BirdbyBird
Several of us were having flash back to that afternoon. :shock: This front broke over us just as fast...... and then blew on past and was over.....

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:47 am
by mitch5252
DUH on me - I forgot to add that if CArol needs to get her awning fixed, we could take her rig up there.
I'm going to have to go up there at some point and pick up the Mobile Marlin.

Re: Obey River Get-Away GTG

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:51 am
by Bethers
Wow, what an adventure, or should I say misadventure? But it does remind me of why I never replaced my awning. Luckily you were there when it happened. Remember they recommend never leaving your awning out when you aren't there.