Was pretty sure you had made one Eileen. I would advise anybody else who wants to come at last minute to make a reservation as this is a busy park and as of now, cannot guarantee that if anymore members of WomenRV want to come, that you will be in the exact same area with the rest of the group. They are running out of room in our area for us. But you can walk over and join us from wherever you happen to be parked.
Here is some more information on things to do in the area. The Heritage driving tour sounds like it would be really worth doing as well as it passes through the different towns, small shops, some beautiful quilt gardens etc. along the way. Here's a link to it
http://www.amishcountry.org/Think I mentioned somewhere in this thread that Nappanee has their annual apple festival the same weekend as our GTG
http://www.nappaneeapplefestival.org/There are many of the major RV manufactures in this part of IN too, So there will be plenty of things for us to do. Probably be a case of too much to see and so little time. Oh did, I mention the restaurants, meat and cheese shops and......