TX GTG - March 2012

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TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Bethers » Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:41 pm

Bob from the single's forum has just put together a GTG for TX in March. The dates were selected to beat the Easter break. He has asked that the info be posted here also. I'm copying and pasting his post:

The dates for the Texas GTG will be Thursday, Mar. 1 through Wednesday Mar.7, 2012. Pete, myself and ML will be staying for two weeks. If at all possible, plan to arrive Mar 1 and depart Mar 8. If you wish to adjust the time length of your site please ask Pete or me for an appropriate reservation number. Spring break for the Texas schools starts March 10th.

The site will be Mustang Island State Park which is located south of Port Aransas and east of Corpus Christi. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/find ... ng_island/ Pete requested sites 20 through 24 and I asked for sites 44 through 48. These oppose each other.

Pete and I have made five (maximum allowed) reservations and we have seven spots to fill that allotment. We have made the required deposits and will be penalized if there is a need to adjust the time or cancel any site. All sites have water and electricity and there is a dump site at the entrance/exit to be used as needed. Shower houses are approximately 300 yard distant from the sites we requested.

Should anyone want to come earlier or stay a little longer you do so at your own risk . A side excursion for you may include a trip south. If you are not only lucky but small enough to get in there is a CG at North Padre Island National Seashore - Malaquite Visitor Center approximately 45 miles south (although it didn't seem that far) http://www.nps.gov/pais/planyourvisit/m ... ground.htm OR, for that matter, you can boondock on the beach.

Birders, beachcombers, nature lovers, kayakers, and just old plain lazy folks will love this spot. These are some of the finest beaches in the country and because you can drive on them, Texas considers them as roads. Beth can probably add a lot more to this as she has spent more time than me in that area. ML has some photos she has taken of the area in an above post and I will post some I took three years ago if I can find them so please check them out. Avoid holding your breath for mine. If at all possible, plan to arrive Mar 1 and depart Mar 8. Come one, come all and have a ball. Don't forget you bathing suits and beach blanket and/or warm up suits - it won't be summer time but I have seen idiots in the water there in January.

Costs of the spaces will be $17.00 with a $4 daily entrance fee on top of that. A Texas Pass is $70 and is good for one full calendar year. The entrance fee is waived for pass card holders and the second night of a stay in any Texas state park is ½ price. As explained to me, only the second night is discounted and you pay full freight for each additional day. Still a handy thing if all you want to do is drive in a park for a look see.

I will be getting a card and was told that the plastic hard copy is issued at each park now whereas they used to give you a paper temp and mail you the permanent one. I will verify this next week when I visit Seminole SP down the road from my present location - 303 miles northwest.

They had to reserve sites themselves - so if you want to go and are on that forum, please go over there and commit so that they can assign a site to you. If you aren't on that forum, please let me (or Liz) know here and we will get you a site. **** On edit **** They added more sites, and as of 11/2 all the reserved sites are taken. You now need to make your own reservations for the gtg if you can come - if they still have sites available.

As off 11/2 we have 14 sites taken - again, it is now up to everyone to reserve any available site on their own. Hope lots more of you can make it.
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:02 am

Oh, geez, we love that place!!! :mrgreen: and wish we could be there for this, but, alas, we're committed here until April 1st......but next year, yep, fall & winter 2012-2013, we'll be traveling ( not camp hosting) and we plan on joining in on these GTGs.....Thanks for the invite, Bob & Beth....we'll be thinking of you all and looking forward to the photos.... ;)
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby AliceM » Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:20 am

The distance is more than I normally would go for... but the location and the people have me VERY VERY interested. Need a few days to think it through and will let everyone know. My CPA will kill me for leaving town in March but what the heck, thats what I pay the big bucks for. :)

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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby gjkl » Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:36 am

I would be very interested in this trip.
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Birdie » Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:35 am

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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Bethers » Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:58 am

Do NOT use that reservation link for this gtg. We have sites on hold - and will have to pay for them - so until those are all taken, we don't want anyone making their own reservations. Please, as my post said, contact either Liz or myself right now if you want to attend.

The park we are going to has allowed more than 14 days in many cases, as do some of the other TX state parks. They do have the rule, but will make exceptions. I think Bob stayed at this one 4 or 6 weeks one winter.
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Bethers » Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:33 am

gjkl wrote:I would be very interested in this trip.

Let us know if you want to reserve one of the sites on hold.

As of now, I think there are 7 of us: Bob, Pete, ML, Liz, Diana, Alice and me.
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby AliceM » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:11 am

I'm signed up with bells on my toes... AND... Pete (from ORS) and I hope to follow each other across I-10 from Florida. We are stopping at Galveston State Park for two days...Feb 28/29.. arriving at the GTG on the 1st. Pete suggested one day.. I grovelled for two. The pics were so beautiful, I want to spend a little time looking around the park, geocaching, etc.

Prior to arriving at Galveston State Park, Pete has suggested we hit a rest stop or walmart somewhere near Walker, LA the night before.

All are welcome to meet us for a mini gtg if you like and follow us to the gtg. I'll be the one with a gps in hand.. looking under a bush for some plastic treasure.

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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby gjkl » Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:03 am

If you come that close you may as well come to my drive way. We can have a mini GTG.
Exit 173 off I10. Gismar/Prairieville. Love to have y'all.
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Bethers » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:00 pm

Current list of those with reservations:

Bob, Pete, ML, Liz, Diana, Alice, Carolyn, Joan and me

There are 4 more sites still being held by Bob and Pete (Bob added a few more today).
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Karen » Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:42 pm

Hello Beth and Liz,

I would like for you to reserve me a site for this gtg. Also, Gloria Leblanc (gjkl) would like for you to reserve a site for her.
Please confirm that our reservations are made.
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Bethers » Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:42 pm

Liz, I'm getting the info from Bob and Pete - you just keep having fun in AR.
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Liz » Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:11 pm

Bethers wrote:Liz, I'm getting the info from Bob and Pete - you just keep having fun in AR.

Thank you Beth.
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Birdie » Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:44 pm

Beth, Please add me to the group. I have a half price ticket. Will I be able to use it for at least one night of the stay?
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Re: TX GTG - March 2012

Postby Bethers » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:59 pm

Birdie wrote:Beth, Please add me to the group. I have a half price ticket. Will I be able to use it for at least one night of the stay?

You'll be able to give that to them at check in so that you can use it for the 2nd night. Same if you have the TX pass - you'll give that at check in. The first night's been picked up by the guys - we all owe them when we get there. I'll give them your info (email or pm me your last name - I have it somewhere but can't find it :oops: ) and I'll get back to you with your # after the guys give it to me.

I was hoping you'd be able to make it.
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