Possible GTG 4th July Week?

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Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby Cudedog » Thu Jan 10, 2019 4:19 pm

Since my neighborhood basically sounds like a war zone for several days before, and several days after, 4th of July (and Big Joe totally - and I do mean totally - freaks out when he hears Big Bangs), I need to get the heck outta Dodge for that week. So, 4th July week I am tentatively planning an Oregon get-away for that entire week.

Maybe arrive Monday, July 1 and departing maybe Sunday, July 7. Plans still jello.

I have only stayed previously at Valley of the Rogue - very nice (even has coin laundry, if I remember correctly); and also pull-through spaces (for those of us, like myself, who are "back-up impaired"). :lol:

Some of the sites at the parks are listed at 50 amps, some are listed at 30 - but if I recall correctly, generally if 50 is there on the post, there is generally a 30 on the post also. Might be best to phone to verify, I haven't done that yet.

If anyone has any comments about any of these parks, I would love to hear them before I make my final choice. Plans still jello. Thanks.

All of these Oregon State Parks has availability for those dates, but the parks are filling up fast:

Collier State Park (Near Klamath Falls)


Joseph H. Stewart State Recreation Area (Near Crater Lake National Park)


Valley of the Rogue State Park (Near Grant's Pass)

Please let me know if there is any interest.


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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby MandysMom » Thu Jan 10, 2019 4:44 pm

I would join you, but I will be spending June 20-25 in Oregon at a women's RV rally and need to be home to celebrate 4th with my son. Have fun you two wherever you end up.
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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby JudyJB » Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:56 pm

I am planning on staying at Tillicum Beach through July 3 and then moving to EMigrant lake from the 4th through Tuesday, but I have to leave then for a doctor appt on Wednesday.

Emigrant Lake still has pull-throughs from the 4th after, but frankly, I would be willing to cancel the last part of my Tillicum stay and the Emigrant Lake to meet you somewhere.

I don't think there is a lot to do at Valley of the Rogue, and it has horrible freeway noise, but a couple of days there won't kill me either. The problem with Tillicum for you is lack of showers and a dump station. You have to drive into town and pay $10 but it IS on the ocean and some sites have a view. I would strongly suggest you try Tillicum for a couple of days sometime, but maybe not this weekend. Sites are small and hard to get into but nice to be so close to ocean.

Haven't been to either Collier or Stewart. Collier is on a river and has a museum. Negative reviews of low branches and the bad road driving in. Seems to have Verizon for me. Frankly, I like the looks of Joseph H, Stewart more because it is more open and looks like it has the most sites and also has Verizon. Drivable to Crater Lake, which is nice, and it looks like there are some falls and a canyon nearby. Lots more choices of camping spots, but that might mean more people on 4th. Also closer to Eugene for me.
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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby snowball » Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:10 pm

If I remember correctly we had a gtg there in 2012 (if I am miss remembering the park someone correct me) the year is correct though...park perhaps not...As that is the year Larry died I may not have total memory but I recall it being a nice park.. I was a house guest of Beth's so don't know to much about parking rigs ect. a pretty area and we drove up to Crater Lake...
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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby Bethers » Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:25 pm

snowball wrote:If I remember correctly we had a gtg there in 2012 (if I am miss remembering the park someone correct me) the year is correct though...park perhaps not...As that is the year Larry died I may not have total memory but I recall it being a nice park.. I was a house guest of Beth's so don't know to much about parking rigs ect. a pretty area and we drove up to Crater Lake...

I'm not sure of the year, but the location, yes. And if I could I'd do it again, especially going to Crater Lake again. The highway noise wasn't as bad in our loop. Maybe Karen or Laura could chime in on the loop. That said, I know they often go to a casino that week where fireworks aren't allowed. That could work also.
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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby Rufflesgurl » Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:31 pm

I could be interested. Please keep us updated!!

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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby Bethers » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:59 pm

Anne, are you okay with me moving this thread to the gtg room?
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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby JudyJB » Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:37 am

When you said you had a get-together "there," which campground are you talking about? Anne mentioned several, and my response was pretty rambling.
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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby Cudedog » Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:13 am

Bethers wrote:Anne, are you okay with me moving this thread to the gtg room?

LOL. Duh on me. I didn't realize - or probably just forgot - that there is a gtg room. :oops:

Do it! Fine by me. :lol:


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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby Cougarfan » Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:47 am

When we had the gtg at Valley of the Rogue, we were in Loop F. It is just water and electric but not as many kids on bikes there. I didn't remember the freeway noise being oppressive but it doesn't usually bother me anyway. The casino does their own fireworks now. Fireworks are not allowed in State Parks here in Oregon.

Just know that at that time of year, it will be very hot in that area. I would probably not go due to the heat. That area could also be filled with smoke if there is a wildfire in the area as well as at Collier by Klamath Falls. Now, I'd be up for a gtg at the coast at that time of year but not at Valley of the Rogue. Getting a spot at the coast for the week of 4th of July will be difficult since they already opened reservations for that time frame a few months ago.
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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby Cudedog » Fri Jan 11, 2019 12:20 pm

Cougarfan wrote:Just know that at that time of year, it will be very hot in that area. I would probably not go due to the heat. That area could also be filled with smoke if there is a wildfire in the area as well as at Collier by Klamath Falls. Now, I'd be up for a gtg at the coast at that time of year but not at Valley of the Rogue. Getting a spot at the coast for the week of 4th of July will be difficult since they already opened reservations for that time frame a few months ago.

Well. Hrm. Thanks for the info. I didn't know that. Of course, I should have known that, but didn't think about it. I definitely can't do heat. At all.

Back to the drawing board, I guess.

I'll look around some more - check out some of those Oregon coast campgrounds - but, as you say, most are probably already booked.


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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:24 pm

I try never to camp on a holiday....too many idiots. We used to go to 7Feathers because they didnt allow fireworks so we made our reservation almost a year ahead. Then we find out they are setting them off in the truck parking lot right below the campground so that definitely didnt work for me.

The coast is tough all summer long. Sometimes a single can find a spot during the week but for a GTG you need to plan a year in advance most times.

I am thinking some Spring camping might be fun. Sandi and I stayed at JGW RV Park in Redding and we enjoyed it very much. We went for the Pow Wow and are thinking of doing that again in the Fall as some other people want to go to that also. So keep that in mind.

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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby JudyJB » Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:06 pm

I did some checking on weather. I use this site whenever I want to find out how hot or cold it is likely to be: https://www.usclimatedata.com/climate/p ... s/usor0282. The specific site I have set it to is Prospect which is the closest listed town to Jpseph H, Stewart. Also, this campground is at 2,000' above sea level. July temp is shown at 87.

Collier is listed to have July temps of 85 and is at an altitude of 4,236 feet, so ought to be a little cooler.

Valley of the Rogue is a lot lower at 1,000' high, and July temps are 88.

Frankly, there are still a couple of spots available at Tillicum Park because it just opened for these dates, but the two available do not have a view. I have a reservation up to the 4th itself, but there are still other sites available. But as I said before, no showers and no dump station.

Overall, it is just a bad time of year to find a campsite. I panicked a month or so ago and got all my reservations for the big weekends.
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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby Cougarfan » Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:03 am

JudyJB wrote:I did some checking on weather. I use this site whenever I want to find out how hot or cold it is likely to be: https://www.usclimatedata.com/climate/p ... s/usor0282. The specific site I have set it to is Prospect which is the closest listed town to Jpseph H, Stewart. Also, this campground is at 2,000' above sea level. July temp is shown at 87.

Collier is listed to have July temps of 85 and is at an altitude of 4,236 feet, so ought to be a little cooler.

Valley of the Rogue is a lot lower at 1,000' high, and July temps are 88.

Frankly, there are still a couple of spots available at Tillicum Park because it just opened for these dates, but the two available do not have a view. I have a reservation up to the 4th itself, but there are still other sites available. But as I said before, no showers and no dump station.

Overall, it is just a bad time of year to find a campsite. I panicked a month or so ago and got all my reservations for the big weekends.

Those are just averages. It's a crapshoot in that area. The temps at 7 Feathers average around 85-88 degrees that week. When we had our gtg there, it was only under 100 degrees for 4 of the 7 days. It was miserable for those of us that are not acclimated to that kind of heat. That being said, we had a gtg at the coast in September one year and it just poured rain the whole time. That was also miserable. It's just tough to find anything around here without planning at least a year in advance.
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Re: Possible GTG 4th July Week?

Postby JudyJB » Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:58 pm

That's why I make my reservations early. Unlike part-time campers, I have to have a place to stay even on holidays and even in relatively hot weather. No home to go back to! That is why I do insist on electric for AC during potentially hot weather.

I am working on reservations for August and September right now, and even making reservations for Florida for next winter! Prime Florida campgrounds fill up as soon as they open 11 months in advance!
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