CG/RV Park Review Form

CG/RV Park Review Form

Postby Bethers » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:19 pm

Please use the following guideline to review a cg/rv park, and, of course, adding a picture (or more) is a wonderful way to really let us see the place. Also, please note than any cg/rv park review posted here will also (at some time) be included in the cg/rv park review section of the website, where they will get organized by state, etc for us all to be able to (hopefully) quickly see what our forums sisters have found as the good, the bad and the ugly of campgrounds and rv parks.

Here's the general form (and thank you Paulette for putting this form together for us):

City and State:

Name of CG:

CG Website:

Overall Rating: (on a scale of 1 – 10)

Pros: Things like big rig friendly, adequate hookups, large sites, trees, no trees, interior road conditions, level sites, anything that you liked about this cg.

Cons: Anything here that really stood out and made you wonder why you stopped.

Comments: Any other comments…proximity to nearest highway/crossroads, facilities, accessibility.

Rate: $ nightly rate, weekly or monthly if you know it.
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Re: CG/RV Park Review Form

Postby champson » Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:59 am

I'm going to recommend two for anyone going north. In Maine, Sunset Point RV Park in Harrington Maine. Off the beaten path, exceptionally quiet and right on the Atlantic. See the tides come and go. Only about 3 miles off Highway 1A. The owner even brought me cooked lobster by the pound. Second one, in New Brunswick - Century Farm Family Campground - oh what a beautiful little place - St. Martins, NB. Takes a little to get there but well worth it; at the beginning of the Fundy Trail. Very friendly, right on the beach at the Bay of Fundy.
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Re: CG/RV Park Review Form

Postby carold » Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:17 pm

Beth, I'll have to get busy and do this. It's definitely and easy and fast way to get that info. Also, noticed that Colliemom and others are visiting parks that they like. Maybe we can get them to comment here. It's nice when the parks are in one spot and we don't have to peruse thru the posts or blogs to find them-which we might do anyway after reading the review. carold
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Re: CG/RV Park Review Form

Postby Bethers » Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:37 pm

I'd love to see more reviews with the info here - if that happens, then I will get that section of the website done. Since so few use this, and then only usually give a good or not good, I haven't followed through on the website. We could have our own review section - backed up by more info on the forum. I, too, should do more of these! I'm not blaming others any more than I am myself.
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Re: CG/RV Park Review Form

Postby bigmamma6868 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:47 pm

To review the campground I am at right now.
City and State: Quintana, Texas

Name of CG:Quintana Beach County Park

CG Website:

Overall Rating: (on a scale of 1 – 10) right now, I'd give it a 6

Pros: Things like big rig friendly, adequate hookups, large sites, trees, no trees, interior road conditions, level sites, anything that you liked about this cg.
I love the views, you got the ocean, boats coming in and out of the port, park is kept up and it is very quiet here in December. I was told they are VERY busy in the summer.... Locked showers, good for summer weather, but in the winter when it gets cold, the air goes right in to the bath-house. There are pull-through and back-in spots. Overall a nice area. Pet friendly. Daily, weekly & monthly rates. Laundry on the premises.
Cons: Anything here that really stood out and made you wonder why you stopped.
All the stickers, seem to follow you into the camper! The showers aare not closed, wind whips through them...showering is cold in the cool mornings. It's sometimes too quiet for me, at one time there were 2 campers besides myself. This place is being updated in areas, but could use better TLC.

Comments: Any other comments…proximity to nearest highway/crossroads, facilities, accessibility.
This cg is very close to the beach, there is a little walk to it, but it is a nice walk. Town is about 10 miles away. There is a jetty/port close by.
Rate: $ nightly rate ($17-30off season)($19-32may-sept) , weekly ($165-190)or monthly ($425-550) if you know it
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Re: CG/RV Park Review Form

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:36 am

I wonder if the campground review section could get reviews listed under states. That way as we are traveling around it might be easier to look up what we "sort of" remember someone posting about a year ago..... :lol: Then again we just re-post a new question and get even more responses...... :lol:
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Re: CG/RV Park Review Form

Postby Birdie » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:59 pm

Tina, maybe by region or "time" might be easier. EST, CST, MST, PST and AZ (since it doesn't change)
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Re: CG/RV Park Review Form

Postby Bethers » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:39 am

Well, the hope was we'd get enough people doing reviews - and then I'd do a whole section - where you could search by state, name, etc. But that never happened. And now I'm lazy lolol - but it's always still a possibility. But that was the reason for the form - so that the reviews would be easy to put into that type of format, etc. And that never got used either :)

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