Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, NW NV

City and State: Virgin Valley area of NV
Date: 6/2014
Name of CG: Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge
CG Website:
Overall Rating: 4
Pros: Free. Park where ever you want in this great big area. Rules are few and far between and who will enforce them.
Cons: 3 miles of badly graded gravel road.
Comments: This is an empty spot above the office area and not far from ponds where ducks, rails, coots (feathered and non-feathered), raptors, pelicans, other birds gather. The long drive to the one lake you can put your boat into,, is all gravel, in fairly good shape, but you got to really want to go out there and stay awhile to take your rig out. We are talking 20 miles of gravel road. My car still has, 3 months later, sand from that drive. It was fantastic but I would NEVER take my RV out there. Price is right but in the summer it has to be a killer heat wise. There is a hot spring near the parking area. Lots of 'black opal mines' abound. Obsidian on the roads.
Office staff were working reduced hours. They were really nice and gave us information and told us the best possibility for getting the Greater Sage Grouse. We GOT it! Also got a nice fox looking at the grouse.
Rate: $ Free
Date: 6/2014
Name of CG: Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge
CG Website:
Overall Rating: 4
Pros: Free. Park where ever you want in this great big area. Rules are few and far between and who will enforce them.
Cons: 3 miles of badly graded gravel road.
Comments: This is an empty spot above the office area and not far from ponds where ducks, rails, coots (feathered and non-feathered), raptors, pelicans, other birds gather. The long drive to the one lake you can put your boat into,, is all gravel, in fairly good shape, but you got to really want to go out there and stay awhile to take your rig out. We are talking 20 miles of gravel road. My car still has, 3 months later, sand from that drive. It was fantastic but I would NEVER take my RV out there. Price is right but in the summer it has to be a killer heat wise. There is a hot spring near the parking area. Lots of 'black opal mines' abound. Obsidian on the roads.
Office staff were working reduced hours. They were really nice and gave us information and told us the best possibility for getting the Greater Sage Grouse. We GOT it! Also got a nice fox looking at the grouse.
Rate: $ Free