I am heading back to visit hubby for a few days and got rv fever when planning! Was able to get the last site in the park. I am unsure if I am better off flying again or driving. If I drive, my mom would like to ride along and she and I will day trip while hubby has class during the day. She and I will also (hopefully) stop in Savannah and St Augustine on the way down which I am really excited about. She would like to stay in Myrtle Beach on way home to check out one of the parks in their CG network. The downside to this road trip is being somewhat rushed to get there and back in my window off from work and the extra expense of driving over flying. The upside is camping duh and having another great trip with my mom!
This seems a weird question to ask but I found it online so it must be true

Also, any tips on what to see in the area? I may have to drive the rv so would like to avoid heavily congested areas and tight parking. We like history, gardens, outdoorsy type activities mostly.