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AMPS 101 20 vs 30 ???

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:26 pm
by Redwahine
I need AMPS 101 class!! This question has probably been asked and answered somewhere before. Is there A link. Or does anyone know of a site that explains this stuff in simple terms??

We have been looking at a lot of rigs and they are all 50 amp. I've noticed that most of the state and Natl parks are mostly 30 amp. I see there is an adapter that you can use to plug your 50 amp plug into 30 amp receptacle. But how do you know how much electricity you can use? And if you are gonna blow a circuit. :roll:

Re: AMPS 101 20 vs 30 ???

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:47 pm
by longdog2
My 5th Wheel is 50 AMP. I have only one A/C unit but could have put in a 2d one if needed. Fortunately one works just right. I can use an adapter from 50 to 30 without a problems. If I'm using the A/C and the microwave, I wouldn't want to push it by using a hair dryer at the same time. Some of the big units with two A/Cs need to have 50 AMP to be able to use them both. You should have an idea of how many watts your appliances use. A/Cs, microwaves, hair dryers (in general), toasters, some coffee pots all pull a fair amount. This is the simple version. Some people can run their A/C on 20 AMP with nothing else running but it all depends on what your unit pulls.

Re: AMPS 101 20 vs 30 ???

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:58 pm
by Bethers
This should give you lots of the info you need and more:

One thing to never do if you have 50 amp service and 2 ac's - you can only run one of them on 30 amp. Be careful how much else you try to add at the same time.

Re: AMPS 101 20 vs 30 ???

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:33 pm
by mitch5252

Re: AMPS 101 20 vs 30 ???

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:57 am
by carold
We have 50 amps and 2 air conditioners. We can run both acs on 30 but have to turn the water heater to propane. Most rigs that have 2 ac can turn each one on and off separately as an alternative. carold

Re: AMPS 101 20 vs 30 ???

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:03 am
by retiredhappy
I have a voltage meter that plugs into an outlet inside the RV. this particular one has an LED readout that tells me how much voltage I'm getting inside the rig. Anything below 110 your AC might brownout. Some campgrounds will have lower voltage than others and its important for you to know this. I also have a 30amp plug adapter which I plug the voltage meter into and then plug it into the campground's meter box BEFORE I plug my rig in. At the RV park in South Dakota the meter showed me the box was only putting out 104 amps - WAY TOO LOW. Contacted owner and he had to rewire the box. Without this meter I wouldn't have known about the problem and plugged my rig in. Things would have run but with not enough power so could have burned out my AC and other stuff. Just because a park looks clean and newer doesn't mean the wiring is good. I've also been in parks where the meter shows enough voltage (112 to 118) until the afternoon when everyone turns their AC's on and the voltage drops to 108. I turn off my AC or turn on the generator. It was a brownout situation in Silver City that caused my AC to burn out the motor.

Re: AMPS 101 20 vs 30 ???

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:07 pm
by Dawn309
Karen, I have one of those voltage meters too. I make sure I glance at it periodically to make sure we are getting enough voltage too. I am also going to get a surge protector. Supposed to pick it up at CW on the 3rd when they are adding my satellite, new sofabed and other things I ordered for my rig.