by oregonrambler1 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:33 pm
Thank you for the info. Walmart has two plans now that are data / text / talk, one is $30.00/month for a 'timed' plan, the other is unlimited for $45.00 / month (after 2G download you might get slower download speeds but I'm not planning on downloading movies or anything like that, just want to access the internet). I often have to leave my laptop at home for our son because it is the 'business' computer so I just want internet access while I'm on the road, WiFi at campgrounds and such, no help. We're leaving in the morning for a rally on the coast but I think I'm going to look into this in depth when we get home. I'm also thinking that our current cell phone, which isn't 'texting' friendly, I can turn into a 100 minute/month pay card (for like $10.00) so I basically can have two cell phones for what we are paying now for one and add data to boot!
Paulette & Mary
Holiday Rambler Admiral
Honda CRV in tow