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Replacing inside coach light bulbs

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:47 pm
by AlmostThere
If I remember correctly, some of you replaced your coach bulbs with ones that take less watts so they draw less on your batteries when boondocking. I forgot what kind of bulbs you used to replace them. I would appreciate any info. Thanks!

Re: Replacing inside coach light bulbs

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:38 pm
by Bethers
I don't know what type of lights your rv uses - so this might not work in yours. But I replaced the lights in my most used fixtures with the LED wedge lights from this company:

That will take you right down and the pic showing is the type of bulb I was using. The next two scrolling down are the 2 replacements for it. I actually purchased 2 of each to decide whether I needed the brighter or not and can't really tell a difference.

Some people hate them, I'm happy with them.

Re: Replacing inside coach light bulbs

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:59 pm
by AlmostThere
Thanks for the info. I will definately check it out. I did remove the cover off my fixture and the bulb had a round end.

I did an online search and didn't realize how many different 12v LED bulbs there are.

I did find one guy on Youtube that demoed replacing his bulbs (looked just like mine), and of course he had the volt meter thing to show the power dip between the LED and regular bulbs. :lol: He also showed the LED bulb he used (flat disc shaped with two prongs), and the wattage size and the website where he bought it. They aren't quite as expensive as I thought, but can see it would be if I replaced ALL my old bulbs! :o

Re: Replacing inside coach light bulbs

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:56 am
by Bethers
If you scroll up on that page I sent, you should find the ones with the round ends. I just had it bookmarked for the ones I needed. They also do not get hot, which I like. Although right now while it's cooler out, they don't give off the heat that they used to :)