You know how some folks seem to be born under a golden star; nothing but glorious things repeatedly happen to them while others just can't get a break, not one single break. When I was young I was fortunate enough to land a good job for thirty years, only because of the timing of a healthy economy, and lucrative defense budgets for aerospace companies like Boeing.Over those years I did see a number of these "golden" people and it always fascinated me to watch how even just the space around them seemed enveloped with gossamer goodness and many of them were not good people. While other fine, decent, hard-working co-workers rarely, if ever, could get out from under the dark star.
I considered myself to be in the middle, some good, some bad, but most of the time things were okay. Until lately, the dark star has found me, I am going down fast. When the black tank fiasco turned out favorably I decided that since I am at the RV repair I may as well get the "suspension airbags" that I have improve the ride, cause more even wear on tires, diminish the porposing action between truck and trailer, and to beef-up the rear-end of the truck. I wanted the whole enchilada, with compressor controls mounted on the dash. I will not divulge how horribly much this cost me and I only have a certain amount of money, no big dividends loading my wallet each month...a pension and very little else is all I have. I left my marriage because I saw no future there. other than television viewing until we died. I wanted to go and play, fish, kayak, explore, hike, see the desert, stand out in Monument Valley and listen to the wind. All that said to convey how money is hard to come by and these freaken airbags cost me a bunch.
Four hours and some hundreds of miles down the road from the RV repair where the airbags were installed, I am loving them, they did all I was hoping they would do, the ride is solid and just great, I am glad I spent the money, when POW!!!! all gone hundreds and hundreds of dollars wasted.
When I looked at the finished installation while the truck was still up in the air I said, "I thought those would be mounted more in the center and not near the exhaust pipe, isn't that too close to the exhaust pipe?", "Oh, not at all", he replied, "that is just fine". Well, although I studied and read all I could about these for months I figured he must know better than I, he does this for a living, what do I know? I
It's Saturday and no one is at the RV repair shop, I called and left a message, I cried, when I told them I can't spend any more money on this, I never cry, but I cried, and am crying now...I am fairly certain they won't do much if anything to help me. I am way too far away and I won't pay the gas to drive back, cost me $300 in gas to get here. The dark star has found me.