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Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:56 pm
by AlmostThere
When driving my MH I get the feeling the steering isn't quite right, but perhaps the steering in a MH can be different from a car because of weight distribution? What is feels like is the MH wanders and I'm always feeling like I'm over-steering to correct this. When my SIL drove he said it was fine, but sometimes it almost scares me as it wanders like that as I'm rounding a curve and I have to correct it and then it feels like I've over corrected and then I have to steer the other way. The last owners put new tires on it and I would assume they got them balanced, too. ;)
I'm beginning to wonder if it's just me being overly cautious?

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:35 pm
by Getupngo
No, it's not you. I had the same problem. The rig wandered all over the highway if there were ruts in the asphalt from semis. I had white knuckles, palpitations, frequently turned the air blue and arrived at my destination stressed and exhausted. Your friends probably didn't notice because they drove it on nice city roads. Yes?

I did some research and installed a piece of equipment called the Steer-Safe. It's a product that uses big honkin' steel springs to keep your front tires pointing straight and gets rid of the "wander." You can turn just fine, but if you let go of the wheel, they will return to the straight position.


I got mine installed (with new Bilsteins all around) at Camping World. Been a happy driver ever since.

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:43 pm
by avalen
it could be just a matter of getting used to the steering with the weight behind
it as that definately will feel different than just a car, you might think differently
after driving it for awhile. If you still think it seems "squirrely" after trying to get
used to it, have it checked out, I would make sure the tires are properly and evenly
inflated and balanced. One time I had new tires put on the front of my van and it
made the steering feel squirrely until they got broke in, and I got used to the new

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:04 pm
by Getupngo
I just looked at the size of your rig, and I agree with Ava to check out the suspension
and steering first. I had the wandering problems in my Class A, but not in my 29-foot
Class C. What I did experience in my "C" was some sway when being passed by semis
or in crosswinds. But if you are experiencing wandering, have the above checked
out before looking into the Steer-Safe. Could be lots cheaper.

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:42 am
by AlmostThere
We have a Les Swalbs and The Tire Factory shops here in town. Think I will stop in and ask them. Thanks for your input.

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:34 am
by retiredhappy
I agree with everyone else - get it checked out. My 30' class C doesn't wander at all. Check your tire pressure. My rig calls for 65 lbs front and 80 rear even tho the tires say 80 all around. Could also need an alignment. Keep us posted.

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:18 pm
by cat
HI Lenore,
When I bought my Class B, I remember being told that a MH drives differently than a car or van. It is much larger, taller, and wider. But i agree with everyone to get it checked out. I've learned to drive much slower than the car.

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:52 pm
by AlmostThere
Yesterday I got it checked out and the consensus is that there is a wandering problem, but nothing can be done about it. The reason? Little Missy, at one time, was involved in a wreck!! I was so brokenhearted, then angry when I found that out! I don't feel the people I bought her from knew of this as I feel that they would have said something had they known. Then I felt embarrassed in that I didn't think to check Car Fax (do they even check RVs?), or even think to ask if that were a possibility.
The guys at the tire place drove her and agreed she has a wandering problem. They did loosen her gear box a bit but felt that would do little in the long run. They checked out everything else. That's how they discovered all the newly replaced parts etc. Everything is sound in that there is no real danger in driving her other than I'll have to be vigilant in keeping her going straight down the road. So far I haven't driven her far so I'm not sure how exhausting it might become over a long distance. I'll just have to take it one trip at a time. Other than that, Little Missy is a perfect match for me and I still like her allot. I'm just so bummed to discover about her mishap.

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:12 pm
by Getupngo
Oh RATS! I'm sorry to hear that. You might check into whether they sell a Steer Safe to go on your "B". It really does a nice job of holding those front wheels pointed down the road.

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:13 pm
by mitch5252

Man, Lenora - that sucks big time! How many owners has Li'l MIssy had?


Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:47 pm
by AlmostThere
I'm her 3rd.

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:54 pm
by JanetA
I agree w/ Linda. YOu need to get you one of those doomaflachies like she has. That steer safe thingamajig. I know I would!

Best of luck w/ that. Did you get your lil missy at a super bargain price? That might be a giveaway as to the fact that she'd been wrecked once. But if the former owners didn't know,, then,, probly not! Another thing for me to be wary of when I go to purchase.

best regards,,,


Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:17 pm
by OutandAbout
Lenora, what a bummer. The good news is you had Little Missy checked out and other wise she is sound. Driving her more will most likely give you more confidence with the wandering. You'll probably find a trick or two to driving her as well, whether it is highway or secondary road driving. The best news is you will have to spend more time rving and having fun. :D I think I would try and find out if you can get a carfax report on her. Being a MH, they just might have them . Linda

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:46 pm
by Shirlv
Lenora, I would get a second opinon that nothing can be done for the wandering. Do you have a camping world near you or a good rv dealership. I was thinking someone more familar with rvs.

Re: Steering in a Motorhome.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:04 pm
by Rufflesgurl
Lenora - What a total BUMMER!! Did you test drive her before you purchased and did you notice any wander? I definitely would get another opinion and go from there. Maybe there is something that can be done. I would think that the wandering while steering would be very scarey in wind conditions!! When I look at used coaches, I always ask how many owners - not that that makes any difference but I want to know.

Good luck with Lil Missy and take care and Happy Travels