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Oven/stove and pilot lights

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:06 pm
by AlmostThere
Ok, senior moment. I was chatting with Cedar somewhere on here about me not being able to get my oven to light yesterday. Cedar you asked if the "oven' knob had the word pilot on it. Well, I just made the 14 mi round trip to see. :o :lol: And I checked out a couple more things I had been thinking about...
Anyway, yes, it did say pilot so I tried again. Left the RV door open in case too much gas filled the RV so I wouldn't explode! :shock:
It took a bit as I held the lighter next to where I assumed the pilot light would be, but it did finally take. Probably allot of air in the line as I don't think the oven has ever been used. Got it going and all is well there.

Oh, one of the other things I needed to check out? Where was my spare tire? I never even thought about it untl this morning. Dang thing is under the RV. Sure hope someone knows how to lower it down to get to it when the time comes should I ever need it. Oh, heck, that's why I have Good Sam's !! :lol:

Re: Oven/stove and pilot lights

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:47 pm
by Cedar518
Hey Lenora,..... I can almost smell those peach biscuits you'll be baking ! Glad it worked out. :D

Re: Oven/stove and pilot lights

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:59 pm
by Forestgal
Whenever I use the propane I bleed the lines first. The easiest way to do that is turn on a stove burner and hold a light to it. As soon as you've gotten the air out of the line the burner will light. That's important when using your fridge on propane.

You may have a little hole somewhere on the bumper for part of the jack to fit in & lower the spare tire down. You can check for that. I remember having something like that for my Explorer, as that's where my spare is also. Actually, I don't know how to get my spare down either! But that's what AAA is for! ;)

Re: Oven/stove and pilot lights

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:04 pm
by VickieP
Just my opinion, but even though you have auto service with one of the companies, it would be a good thing to know. What if you are somewhere where there is no phone service to call for help? On my RV there is a hole in the side near the back to put the tool (same tool for scissor jacks) to lower the cable that holds the tire under there. On the truck it is in the rear near the license plate. Make sure you where to put the jack and how to use it also. If you have multiple axles on the back, you can also put something on the ground and pull up on it, leaving the tire that needs replacing raised above the ground.It's a good thing to know!

Re: Oven/stove and pilot lights

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:35 pm
by Acadianmom
You better start eating your Wheaties if you are planning on changing one of these tires. lol I can barely move one of them. My previous motorhome had the tire mounted under the back and the only way to get it down or back up was with a floor jack. Hopefully you have a better system. If you have dual tires in the back and you have to change one of the inside dual tires you are looking at a lot of work.
