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Lesson Learned

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:46 pm
by Bethers
I've disliked my water connections on this rig from day one, but dealt with them. Today I was filling the holding tank and the connector part on the rig was refusing to turn. I decided the hose was on enough and to hell with the runoff water. DO NOT DO THAT if you have my type connections. As much, or more, water that ran off outside was going inside the RV wall, into the compartment the tank sits in. From there it worked it's way into my outside storage compartment, and some started into the rig, which is how I caught it. I WD-40'd that connection to turn and water seemed to go only into the tank again without the excess spray. Lesson learned.

It was drizzling outside, so couldn't check everything in the compartment.. but doubt any damage. Very lucky.

At some point I'll see if anything can be switched out on those connectors. Until then, anything less than a perfect connection for tank or city water fill will not be accepted.