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Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:55 am
by JudyJB
As some of you know, I have had constant problems with coach water pumps. I have learned some things I think all of you might want to know.

I had the one that came with my motorhome replaced in December 2013 because it ran but would not prime, hence no water being pumped. I was told there was a hole in the diaphragm and obviously, my RV was 9 months past the warranty, so cost was $290. The second one started to go bad last fall, so I had it replaced just before Christmas, 2014, at a cost of $305. All three were Shurflo. I have been carrying jugs of water to flush the toilet as I drive and obviously have not been able to camp without city water hookups, which has been a pain.

What frustrated me with the last one is that no one at the dealership knew what the warranty was on Shurflo water pumps, but said the dealer warranty was only 90 days, and I ought to contact the manufacturer to find out the warranty on the new unit. So I did.

I have been talking to Shurflo (Fluid Motion Technologies, Inc) customer service, and here is what I discovered:

- The warranty on the initial water pump was 2 years parts and labor. Course no one told me that I still had 3 months valid on that warranty!!!
- The warranty on the second and third pumps was two years parts only. That means that the two dealers who replaced them should have taken them apart and replaced whatever was broken, not necessarily replaced the entire pump. I am pretty sure the dealers knew that and feigned ignorance because they did not carry parts or did not want to bother.

The customer service guy asked if they had given me the old pumps. When I told him no, he said, "Odd that the dealers would keep your pump even as they claim the pump is out of warranty. The warranty on the 4008-101-E65 is two years. Based on your description of the problems, they could have easily been fixed with most likely a valve kit. If it is any consolation, I will send you a pumphead kit to have on hand in case you run into any difficulty. If you find that acceptable, get me an address and I’ll send N/C."

He is sending me the part, and next time I have problems, I will be emailing him to see where I can get the best service. The biggest problem with my water pump is that it is inside the pass-through between two storage bins. Reaching it literally means sticking head, shoulders, and even chest into that bin to reach it--not something I can do myself. I was charged two hours labor each time for the pump to be replaced, which I think is really excessive even considering the difficulty reaching it. I also might someday get someone to move the location.

I will also keep all old parts next time and contact the manufacturers to verify warranty if the dealers do not know. (My RV packet from Fleetwood was pretty useless because it mostly gave installation instructions.)

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:16 pm
by MandysMom
If it were not for the stupid location, I know you could learn to rebuild one. I watched my hubby do it ( he likes to do that kind of thing) and it was remove a few screws and put new in from kit and there are videos. When water pumps are so important I don't know why manufacturers put them in stupid places, maybe because they know they won't have to reach them. Good idea to have it moved if you can. I always ask for my parts on items which I hope keeps the mechanics more honest. I used to own a 86 Toyota van which had a timing chain, as in metal chain, not rubber belt as in most cars. A good mechanic once taught me to ask if I needed repairs if they thought the timing belt needed replacing. If they answered yes, run the other way because either they were clueless about that model or purposely trying to cheat me, either way I would not want them working on my van.

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:21 pm
by Bethers
Moved to the maintenance room.

I'd also contact at least the last place and ask them for a partial refund as it was under warranty and they should have done that work to find that out. When I've gotten new parts, I got the new serial numbers etc and make them show me the old. Learned that on cars many years ago.

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:39 am
by Gentleladybear
Shurflo backs up their stuff. But the RV repair shops count on our ignorance of warranty work. I was caught in that situation with Camping world, they finally refunded me almost $300.00 of charges that should have been under Winnebago warranty. So take the time to do research before you hand that credit card over for work to be done.

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 2:09 pm
by JudyJB
Here are two photos of the location of my water pump, per my conversation on the General Discussion Campfire thread. As you can see it is well-tucked back into my the pass-thru that connects my two storage bins and there is no space for an old lady like me to even reach it, let alone try to remove screws and such. The big white thing is my water filter. I can reach it easily and recently replaced the filter in case that was causing the problem.


This photo shows a close-up of the installation. It is a maze of wires and hoses.

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:17 pm
by Redetotry
I am so sorry for all hassles you have been through with your pump. I really admire your determination in getting a solution, and your organization skills! I noticed how neatly your storage area was arranged. I hope you are able to get it fixed soon and some of your expenses refunded!

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 9:02 pm
by JudyJB
I will just be happy if it keeps working!

And the reason everything is in plastic bins is because things were getting wet in there. I am also worried that the pump will spray water over everything. The big bin is all my legal documents, tax stuff, and receipts because I full-time.

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:12 pm
by skeetzee
Just reading this post..I have also had troubles with my Shurflo pump. One very easy tip that I learned is that is pretty logical but I didn't think of it we drive all the miles we drive, all the cheap plastic connections in these fabulous homes on wheels vibrate..and come loose. My first problem was also water all over my storage area turning out to be just a loose nut on my water supply line going into the pump. Super easy..stick your hand in there and tighten it. this is on my routine check list now and I put teflon tape on the threads to make to stay tight a little better. My kitchen sink drain connections have come loose now. That is on my list to go fix. Plumbers putty and tape or a gasket will be added this time..which of course was not put on at build time.
And I learned on the ShurFlo pumps, there is one model number that the manufacturers install into the units and another model number that is direct ShurFLo to Customer. The manufacturer model only has a ONE year warranty. The other has a two year warranty. Same pump..
I did not know about the rebuild kits. I now have an extra pump in my parts box. Think it cost me $75 on Amazon. Just looked up the parts..dang! they are not cheap either!
You totally got ripped off with the 2 hr installation cost. I replaced mine in about 30 mins and that was the first time I had done it. Probably took those guys about 10 mins. Mine is in a place like yours too. Maybe they have a 2 hr min charge?

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:38 pm
by JudyJB
I had it checked again for leaks when I spent a day at the Fleetwood customer service. They tested the pipes and no leaks. I would have liked to have it relocated, but decided the cost was not worth it since it was working then. I may still someday have mine relocated so it can be reached from the outside. Right now, you have to be a skinny young person who can climb inside the storage area. none of which describes me.

The good news is that as long as I use it every couple of days, I have not had any more problems with it. Sometimes it takes 15-30 minutes to prime, which should not happen, but at least it works.

My lesson learned was to keep old pumps when they are replaced, and also to keep the spare parts handy.

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:25 pm
by Bethers

I just want to thank you for all your water pump posts. I only once in the 9 years I had my first rv had a problem and it primed itself without me ever knowing that was the trouble and didn't do it again. With my current rv, it needs to prime much more frequently and I always hold my breath that it's going to work. It doesn't take it long, but still, makes me nervous. I'll be watching it carefully after your problems. But it's much less scary to me because I know it happens!

Re: Shurflo Water Pump Info Update

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 2:24 am
by JudyJB
Now that you mention it . . . .

I have been mostly also using water pump while camping lately because I was at a lot of places with electric but no water, so relying on filling my tank. Everything working fine. Then, I arrived at a campground a week ago, had been using my water pump and tank water as usual when driving that day. Hooked up city water and went inside to get something to eat. As I was eating, I heard water gushing out my fill opening. On my rig, fill opening for fresh water tank is on opposite side from water connection and it has its own locking door.

Anyway, I jumped out and found water coming out the overflow opening--the little screened thing. Somehow, water was filling water tank from city water and then overflowing. DARN!!! Thought things had been going so well. So I turned off city water, crossed my fingers and tried water pump. OK, worked fine, so I just used tank water rest of time there. Last time it did that, there was a hole in pump diaphragm that caused that and I had to replace it. That was pump #1 and replaced in Las Vegas in Dec 2013. (Pump #2 was replaced in Florida in January 2015.) I need to find out if there is a check valve because it could be a defective check valve this time, with the pump being fine, but I am not going to do that until I get to Las Vegas next week. (I know for sure I do not have the usual value that you switch to fill fresh water tank that some RVs have.)

So last night when I arrived at Usery SP near Mesa AZ where I am now, I crossed my fingers again and hooked up to city water, but kept checking to make sure it was not filling water tank again. Did not, so was going to continue trying city water, but park hookup has a leak and was spraying water, so just filled tank with hose and am using pump again, which is working fine.

The frustrating thing is that I can never be sure things will work like they are supposed to work. So how can I dry camp comfortably without knowing I will have water??? :x Next campground will be full hookup at Willow Beach Marina on Colorado River about 10 miles south of Hoover Dam, but I have been planning on dry camping at Boulder Beach where my cousin stays in November and December. At least I know of a reliable RV repair facility in Las Vegas near there, so I will take it there to get it fixed if I need to.

Don't forget to keep old pump if you ever need to replace it. Parts can easily be ordered and guts replaced.