Darn computer - was answering you and hit the wrong button and closed the window - so here goes again!
1. Click on the "User Control Panel" above this post (if you want it and the post open at the same time, right click and select to open in a new window)
2. Click on the Profile tab.
3. Click on the Edit Avatar tab.
4. Get the "Direct Link" code from Photobucket and copy it.
5. Paste the Direct Link code from Photobucket into the "Link Off-Site" space
6. Type in the dimensions of your avatar if you know them. (If the picture is small, you might be safe leaving this blank, but by typing them in, if you know them, it will make the picture the right dimensions - like mine is 75 x 79). You can always guess and change if you get stretched one way or the other lol
7. Submit
Go back and change dimensions if they were needed and you are stretched wrong