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Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:20 pm
by carold
We gals certainly seem to have a lot of SH---t to talk about. :lol: :lol: carold

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:49 pm
by sunshinecruiserTN
Mitch, I have a place at my dump station where I can put a non-potable water hose and it goes directly in my black tank. So if I'm at a dump site and they have one of those flexible hoses, I can attach my water hose to it and fill the black tank up from outside my MH. A TT may be different.

If a water connect is not available, I have a couple of gallon milk jugs that I will fill up and pour down the toilet. I also use the water pump to fill up my blk water tank. That was probably as clear as my tank indicators.

I do like to use a little calgon the last few times and it seems to loosen the crap from the sides, or at least that's what I tell myself. I don't have anyway of knowing for sure though. I had thought of getting one of those clear pipes to put on the dump station but it won't fit mine.

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:29 pm
by OutandAbout
I find the sensors in my TC are not worth anything. The first use after I dump indicates 3/4 full, really accurate huh? I use the geo method also and really like it. I think it keeps the tank clean. I do have one of those wands but have not used it. Saw no reason since I started the geo method or when I use ice cubes. Linda

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:44 pm
by mitch5252
OutandAbout wrote: The first use after I dump indicates 3/4 full, really accurate huh?


Man, you need to stay away from that fiber...
OH - you mean after you dump the tank?
That's a different story.


Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:57 pm
by Cedar518
OK,... i broke down and ordered the wand. It won't be here for this trip, but I'll report later in Sept. how it's working. Going to buy some calgon, too.

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:33 pm
by Bethers
A little lesson on your sensors.

Right after you dump the chances are they still are showing more than you think. Why? Because IF the sensor is wet, it will show full to that level. And what happens when you dump? The water (and other stuff) are going past the sensors. So they are still wet - let them drip dry a bit.

My rv is a '99 and my sensors all work. Well, sometimes I have to fill the tanks with ice or ice and water and drive around - to get anything that might have stuck to one off - this happens most often if I sit somewhere a long time.

Now, you can also dump withOUT the black tank full. The reason for it being full - is the more water, the better it dumps and the sensors stay working easily. However, if you're only going to be there a couple days - just use extra water when hooked up and flushing - and dump - and don't get overly sensitve.

Now, it is good to rinse it a tad - but it's not necessary to get anal about it (ha, bun on words). I'm guessing with your trailers you don't have a water tank you can use by turning the pump on? If that's the case, taking a gallon jug of water in and dumping through would be plenty. Or there are several easy to use attachments you can use from outside when you dump - I have one but only use it now when I sit months in one place. But I guess it could be used when dumping - but only if you can attach a hose to water at the dump station. And it would mean making others wait - so I wouldn't try it when there is a line.

And, I don't mind dumping at all. Have done much, much worse. I do laugh at the people who use reusable gloves. Like they stay clean? I don't usually wear gloves (do you put on gloves to change a diaper or when you go potty?) but I do make sure I wash my hands good after - same as after the other tasks. Use sense - and it'll be fine.

Oh, I do NOT use the GEO method - found it more expensive and not any better than just using enough water. The key is water - use it.

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:37 am
by AlmostThere
Did I miss something? What's the GEO method? ;)

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:42 am
by mitch5252
AlmostThere wrote:Did I miss something? What's the GEO method? ;)

Some people swear by the GEO method:

Those links should be a start.


Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:35 am
by AlmostThere
So if you use the GEO method, do you still use the other septic chemicals?

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:49 am
by Shirlv
You do not need other chemicals. Geo calls for bleach but I have read it is not good for your tank so I have never used it. Calgon make the bathroom smell great, I buy it at Kmart.

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:54 pm
by Cedar518
but,.... doesn't the chemicals assist in breaking down the solids? I looked at Calgon today,... liquid type. It was a small bottle and very expensive. So I decided to wait and see how things work after I use the wand. I am using more water than I was. Hard to break that "porta-potti mentality" i guess! :lol:

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:58 pm
by Shirlv
This is pretty gross but I will tell anyhow. If I don't dump at the cg I go to the waste station at home. It amounts to dropping the sewer hose on a sloped concrete bank and it runs into water that is recycled or whatever. I am telling because it is all liquid, ugly but liquid. I am not sure what breaks it down, maybe water but I only use Calgon.

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:41 am
by Paulette
I don't think that the calgon would break down the solids. Probably the water or something like RidX. BTW, WalMart around here carries small pouches of the same enzyme as RidX. Forget what it is called. The "deodorants" will only do just that...deodorize. The Calgon coats the sides of the tank so that things don't stick to it. As long as you are using enough water, you shouldn't really end up with lots of "grease" (I believe that is what they call all the "solids"). It should all naturally break down anyway. MHO

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:35 pm
by Birdie
Well Mitch, I unhook their hose and use my hose and bring it thru the little window in my bathroom. I see folks in the big TT rigs doing this double dump too. I must confess that I am not sure about the contained rigs on what they are doing.

In re-reading my post, I errored in saying I use a deodorant, I don't use deodorant in the holding tank. I use TST and it is "RV Toilet Treatment. Says it cleans sesors and digest waste. I don't have sensors and am only interested in the waste digestion. It was recommended on the Casita Forum. So far I like it. But I do use the powdered Calgon, too. I find this works for me to keep the stuff flowing and the tank far.

Where have I been? I have been traveling around Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona.

Re: I Have A Confession...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:24 pm
by VickieP
Birdie wrote:Where have I been? I have been traveling around Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona.

Details, we want details! (and pics too)! :D