Bethers wrote:khenrie wrote:We just ordered our tires from Big O - the 50k mile tires. Apparently the tires on the RV currently are E rated, so they quoted us E rated. Good thing, cuz we didn't know any better until just now - reading this thread. Spent $1100 for 6 tires. ugh. Will get them installed next Saturday.
Actually, if you ordered from Big O I'm guessing they're installing them also? Not a bad price for everything. I should have another year or two on my tires - going to have to look up the date I replaced these and double-check all that this summer. I will do what I did last time - find a tire place I like, and have them quote me a price to order the ones I want, and then install, take my old, etc. This time, I'll have to get 7 tires, probably - unless we think one of the ones on now can be saved as a spare (hoping - that's what I did last time).
Yep, they are installing. We wondered whether we should order a spare or not..... can't figure out if we have a spare already - don't see one anywhere.