Posting pics with picasa

Posting pics with picasa

Postby Yakn1 » Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:46 am

These are the directions sent to me from Collen, hope it helps someone else!

You can upload them to the Picasa Web by clicking on the little web icon on the top right of the folder for the pictures. Once they are loaded on the web, go to the picasa web and select the appropriate folder and open.

New directions from this point as it looks like things changed. After you have already uploaded on to the web, go to picasa on your computer and find the folder with the pictures you want. You should see "View online: anyone with the link" written near the top of that folder right next to the share button. Click on that line. It opens the online folder.

Posting slide show of album
On the right side of the screen, you will see a <> Embed Slideshow. Click on that and it opens another screen with a yellow box. Use your left moust button to highlight everything in that box and right click to copy. That is what you will paste in your Women RV post. Paste onto post, use your left mouse button to highlight what you just pasted and then click the Img button right above your post. Voila. Use the Preview button to see that the item is correctly posted.

Posting single pictures
Click on the photo you want to post. On the right side of the screen, you will see a line that shows a piece of chainlink and the words Link to this photo Click on that line. It opens up some new choices. FIrst is Link, second is Embed Image. I like that better since the picture will stay in your post even if you delete it from picasa for some reason. Under those you will see Select size, pick one but don't get too big. Then choose Image only. Now click on the Embed Image wording that you see and right click and copy it. That is what you will paste in your Women RV post. Paste onto post, use your left mouse button to highlight what you just pasted and then click the Img button right above your post. Voila. Use the Preview button to see that the item is correctly posted.
Last edited by moxieent on Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby longdog2 » Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:51 am

Oh, you clever girl. You are getting so good at this. I had just PMd Travelinana with the directions with the highlights. I love your new avatar of you. (I like to be able to recognize who is posting). Now you need to put the little trailer down in your signature area. And how about those "before" photos of the new little baby too? I think they are waiting to see them. Hope you and Cara are having fun this weekend but be careful of your back!
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby Yakn1 » Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:12 am

Pushy aren't we Colleen :lol:
I might just do that today (might) :roll:
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby Bethers » Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:32 pm

When I'm on later, I'll make this a "sticky" like the post on Photobucket - so that it stays at the top. Great info - thanks for sharing it.
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby Brewsterivy » Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:38 pm

I have started using Picasa so maybe now I will be able to post some photos on this and the ORS sites! Thanks!!

Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby DorisAnn » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:05 pm

Ok, I've got the posting pics from picassa down but can't figure out how to add my avatar picture. I'm on the profile picture looking at the avatar box but can't figure out how to add the picture. Am I missing something?
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby Bethers » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:31 pm

DorisAnn wrote:Ok, I've got the posting pics from picassa down but can't figure out how to add my avatar picture. I'm on the profile picture looking at the avatar box but can't figure out how to add the picture. Am I missing something?

For the avatar you need the "direct" code, not the image code (not sure how Picassa calls it) but it's a different code. And make sure the image is small enough.

If it's this site you have confused - click on "User Control Panel" then click on the profile tab, then click on the edit avatar tab.
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby DorisAnn » Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:32 pm

Bethers wrote:For the avatar you need the "direct" code, not the image code (not sure how Picassa calls it) but it's a different code. And make sure the image is small enough.

If it's this site you have confused - click on "User Control Panel" then click on the profile tab, then click on the edit avatar tab.

Thanks Beth! Got it! My webcam doesn't take the best pictures, but it'll do for now.
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby Bethers » Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:47 pm

DorisAnn wrote:
Bethers wrote:For the avatar you need the "direct" code, not the image code (not sure how Picassa calls it) but it's a different code. And make sure the image is small enough.

If it's this site you have confused - click on "User Control Panel" then click on the profile tab, then click on the edit avatar tab.

Thanks Beth! Got it! My webcam doesn't take the best pictures, but it'll do for now.

Great to put a face with the posts - and the best isn't necessary - if it was, I couldn't post many of my pictures.
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby Travelinana » Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:03 am

Yakn1 wrote: Posting slide show of album
On the right side of the screen, you will see a <> Embed Slideshow. Click on that and it opens another screen with a yellow box. Use your left moust button to highlight everything in that box and right click to copy. That is what you will paste in your Women RV post. Paste onto post, use your left mouse button to highlight what you just pasted and then click the Img button right above your post. Voila. Use the Preview button to see that the item is correctly posted.

Posting single pictures
Click on the photo you want to post. On the right side of the screen, you will see a line that shows a piece of chainlink and the words Link to this photo Click on that line. It opens up some new choices. FIrst is Link, second is Embed Image. I like that better since the picture will stay in your post even if you delete it from picasa for some reason. Under those you will see Select size, pick one but don't get too big. Then choose Image only. Now click on the Embed Image wording that you see and right click and copy it. That is what you will paste in your Women RV post. Paste onto post, use your left mouse button to highlight what you just pasted and then click the Img button right above your post. Voila. Use the Preview button to see that the item is correctly posted.

I can now post pics to the body of post but have been trying to change my pics on my signature...I'm buffaloed, what can I be doing wrong? It is like 1100 characters, way too many.

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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby avalen » Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:55 pm

apparently Picasa has changed because the above instructions did not work for me. However, here is how
I got mine to post...
I use two windows open, one for the forum with my new post open in the edit box, I click on the IMG
button above the box, then flip over to the other window, being Picasa and right click the picture I
choose to post. Choose "view image info" a popup then gives you a list of links, one is highlighted,
right click on the highlighted one, choose copy, they go back to the forum window and paste into
the image button. Hopes that helps if the other way doesn't. My operating system is windows 7.
For the sizing thing, when you pull open your album, over to the right, (but not too far) is a slide
bar that you slide to set the size you want. You have to fiddle with this until you get the right
combination. I had mine set to halfway but clicked on the image to view it first and it turned out
huge, but I discovered if I just right click on the thumbnail instead of image to view it was what
I wanted. Hope that makes sense.
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby Toxed2loss » Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:11 pm

I was looking at this. I was trying to figure out how to add pics. Picasa was discontinued in 2018. What are people using now?
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby Bethers » Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:36 pm

Toxed2loss wrote:I was looking at this. I was trying to figure out how to add pics. Picasa was discontinued in 2018. What are people using now?

Go to the post currently immediately below this one. It's what most are using now.
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Re: Posting pics with picasa

Postby Toxed2loss » Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:01 pm

:roll: missed that. Thank you!
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