Chassis battery

Chassis battery

Postby andyviv » Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:45 pm

Haven’t posted in long time. If anyone has any experience with this issue please give suggestions. Bought new class c rv in Feb (small 2020 Thor built on 2019 ford chassis). Know batteries like tires — they age over time. Bought in Texas and drove up to Mich. had to get rewinterized before bringing up north. Rv has been at storage lot due to winter and covid restrictions in our state. It started up once in March and April. Now last 2 times Once in May and today, can’t start without using aux house batteries. Should I just start engine with house battery again and drive it around to hopefully recharge chassis battery or could there be some problem with the chassis battery?
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Re: Chassis battery

Postby Bethers » Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:28 pm

When you started it the times it started, did you let it run awhile? That said, I'd jump it and let it run awhile to get charged. And while in storage, if possible, put a trickle charge on the battery.
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Re: Chassis battery

Postby JudyJB » Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:28 am

Your battery should not have aged in less than one year, but I don't have much experience in storing RVs, as you know.

It should recharge just by running the generator for half an hour or so, but driving it around is good, also.
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Re: Chassis battery

Postby WickedLady » Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:12 pm

When I store my travel trailer for the winter I have a small(7w) solar panel that plugs into a 12 volt outlet. It keeps a small charge on the battery. Maybe you can use something like that or, if you have electric you can hook a battery maintainer to the battery which charges the battery and then switches to float which keeps the battery in good shape.
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