

Postby snowball » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:02 pm

Went to light my oven the other day and it wouldn't light have tried several times since
but it is stubbornly refusing to start... any ideas??? the burners light or I would think propane was
out but with the burners working that wouldn't be it
I do use my oven in spurts so don't want to be without it
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Re: Oven

Postby JudyJB » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:32 pm

Can you light the pilot light manually? Or is it electronic?

You might try to light it manually, but make sure you have one of those long fire starter things--don't try with just a match.
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Re: Oven

Postby Bethers » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:40 pm

If I haven't used my oven for awhile, starting the pilot can be a real pain in the neck. After I give up a couple times the pilot finally catches. Then I promise myself to not go too long... But I do, especially when it's warm out. Good luck.
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Re: Oven

Postby snowball » Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:08 pm

I can only lite it manually and yes I use a flame thrower even tried a new one in case it wasn't
long enough....guess all I can do is keep trying don't want it to think it can go on vacation
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Re: Oven

Postby MelissaD » Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:51 am

Did you remember to hold the knob in to light the pilot? Brain farted that once myself. The thermal pile has to get hot to hold the valve open (looks like a little rod above the flame). These do go bad sometimes and they are not very expensive to replace around $30. It takes a few seconds to heat that pile (rod) up and get the valve open to allow gas to the oven. It's a safety feature.
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Re: Oven

Postby snowball » Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:47 pm

MelissaD wrote:Did you remember to hold the knob in to light the pilot? Brain farted that once myself. The thermal pile has to get hot to hold the valve open (looks like a little rod above the flame). These do go bad sometimes and they are not very expensive to replace around $30. It takes a few seconds to heat that pile (rod) up and get the valve open to allow gas to the oven. It's a safety feature.

I thought maybe I had turned on the wrong knob so have made sure that I turned on the right one and held it in
I think I have been keeping the lighter lite long enough. is changing out that thermal pile something that someone like my son in law could do or perhaps my grandson (got to thinking of how busy sil is ) ???
I've had problems with burners lighting for some reason but the next they will.
thanks for all the suggestions
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Re: Oven

Postby Bethers » Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:15 pm

Sheila, I called service once and paid to be told everything was good... Yesterday I couldn't light my oven for anything... I've learned if I haven't been using it often it is very hard the first time I do again. After its finicky, I light each burner on the stove for a few seconds. I have no idea if that helps but I then try the oven every 10 or so minutes until I want to scream... All of a sudden it lights right up. And I then swear I'll use it more often so this won't happen again. When I'm boondocking and when it's cooler I usually use it enough. Summers I can totally ignore it... Hate heating the place up.

If you use yours regularly I doubt anything I have to do will help, but just thought I'd share.
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Re: Oven

Postby snowball » Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:23 pm

Bethers wrote:Sheila, I called service once and paid to be told everything was good... Yesterday I couldn't light my oven for anything... I've learned if I haven't been using it often it is very hard the first time I do again. After its finicky, I light each burner on the stove for a few seconds. I have no idea if that helps but I then try the oven every 10 or so minutes until I want to scream... All of a sudden it lights right up. And I then swear I'll use it more often so this won't happen again. When I'm boondocking and when it's cooler I usually use it enough. Summers I can totally ignore it... Hate heating the place up.

If you use yours regularly I doubt anything I have to do will help, but just thought I'd share.

I am the same doen't use it a lot made cookies 3 weeks ago maybe and that was the first for a long time then went to
bake a peach crisp and it wouldn't lit maybe that is what I need to do try it more often through out the day instead of once every so often ...will try that
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Re: Oven

Postby MelissaD » Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:32 am

Any time you are working on a gas line you should have a certified tech do it. Don't want any leaks.
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Re: Oven

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:19 am

Melissa, good answer. When I schedule appts for certain health issues or repairs, I always consider that I am good and knowledgable on many issues but there are others that I did not study in depth. I will seek out others that are good at what they did study.
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Re: Oven

Postby rvgrandma7 » Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:51 pm

I was told when we use the oven then turn off right away not leaving the pilot light on, stuff will build up on there making it hard to light. I have finally, after years, remembering when I light it to let the pilot light burn for at least 5 minutes to clean off dust and particles that can build up then fire the over up. This seems to make it easier to light. You could also turn it off to just the pilot light after using the oven for 5 or 10 minutes (I set the timer on my microwave so I don't forget). Also, as my stove has gotten older I find I have to turn and hold it in just past the mark for pilot lighting.
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