Hi Ladies,
First off let me say as I cruise the boards here I am learning lots glad I joined. Now to my questions .
1. We do not have a surge protector. I assume it would be something I would plug in at the outlet at the camp site .Also when we have it at home I keep it plugged in to a 30 amp plug I had installed . Should I use it at home too. Need some education on it.
2. This might sound silly but hey I am still learning here. So far we have onlystayed at campgrounds that specify if the have the correct amp for our rig (30amp). I understand I can get and adapter to go up of needed 30 to 50 for example. If a site says standard electric does this mean no 30 or 50 amp plug in. If so do I then need an adapter to go down and what kind.
Just thought I would come to the "experts" here as sometimes in my research I find do a complicated answer when a simple one will do.