Surge Protection and other tech questions

Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby JRKERMIT » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:58 am

Hi Ladies,
First off let me say as I cruise the boards here I am learning lots glad I joined. Now to my questions .
1. We do not have a surge protector. I assume it would be something I would plug in at the outlet at the camp site .Also when we have it at home I keep it plugged in to a 30 amp plug I had installed . Should I use it at home too. Need some education on it.
2. This might sound silly but hey I am still learning here. So far we have onlystayed at campgrounds that specify if the have the correct amp for our rig (30amp). I understand I can get and adapter to go up of needed 30 to 50 for example. If a site says standard electric does this mean no 30 or 50 amp plug in. If so do I then need an adapter to go down and what kind.

Just thought I would come to the "experts" here as sometimes in my research I find do a complicated answer when a simple one will do.
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby longdog2 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:00 pm

It is definitely a good idea to get a surge protector. When you compare the price for one ($250-$350 or so) to the cost of replacing your electrical appliances and/or wiring due to power fluctuation, they look a lot less expensive to you. Get a good one - Progressive is a little more but guaranteed for life, Surge Guard is also good. You can get one that you put between the 30AMP outlet and your RV cord each time you hook up or you can get one installed in your RV. Either work just fine.

As far as adapters go, it's not a bad idea to have 30 AMP to 50 AMP adapter in case you run into a park that only has 50 AMP. That is fairly unusual so it doesn't need to be at the top of your list. Parks that have been around for a while and not updated may only have 30 AMP plug-ins. Those that are more up to date will have both 30 AMP and 50 AMP plug-ins. They also often have a 20 AMP plug-in so that you can run an extra cord for anything you might need it for.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby JRKERMIT » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:26 pm

Yes it helped thanks
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby MelissaD » Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:23 pm

Surge protectors are actually more of an energy management system and there are two basic styles. The plug into the post and the one hardwired inside your RV. Some people like the plug in the post so they can walk around and check out the post prior to backing in. But they are easier to steal. I like the hardwired inside unit. It's protected inside my unit and I don't have to worry about remembering to use it or someone stealing it. When I use an adapter it's already installed in the line and it's one less thing to plug in. This is the one I got Comparison

Adapters come in what look like fat hockey pucks ( ... 92&veh=sem ) and one that look like a "dog bone" ( ... 32&veh=sem ) . Some have said the hockey puck style can be prone to overheating. I prefer the dog bone style with the handles. Gives me a good grip and keeps my fingers out of the way.
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby JRKERMIT » Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:07 pm

Thanks Melissa for the info. I found that chart last night . It is good to know I found the right thing to use for comparison ;)
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:53 pm

And just remember - you have to decide which is best for you. I went for years without one of those surge protectors - and felt safe. That said, I now have one and prefer the one that goes directly to the pole. Yes, it's easier to steal. I actually purchased the locking thingie for it, but have never used it. I've only twice in 10 yearsfull-time known of anything stolen at a park/cg I was at. The first time, the people thought the campers had left and left a couple items behind. So thought they were fair game - and we got them back for the campers. The 2nd, the thieves came in overnight and took people's grills - got about a dozen or so in one night (people from the area, obviously). That said, I feel safe that most of the time nothing will go missing. That said, I completely respect others decisions ... we all have different tastes, different safety levels, etc. Find yours ...
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby chalet05 » Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:40 pm

I have had the Progressive Industries EMS in my rigs. Couldn't find someone to wire the first one in so did the portable thing. If they get too wet, they will fail, but the lifetime warranty is fantastic. Mine is now hardwired. So much more convenient.

Curious as to why you like the one that goes on the pole, Beth.
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:27 pm

chalet05 wrote:Curious as to why you like the one that goes on the pole, Beth.

Most won't understand this, but there are times I don't use it and prefer to monitor by my inside device. I use surge protection on my sensitive stuff inside and while everyone swears the protectors save them - I've been in cg's twice where the surge protectors failed and burned - one time starting a fire at the pole. And both times those were the only rigs during a storm that had problems. That said, I finally bought one.

I also like that it's portable and I could use it with another rig, etc. Kind of the opposite of how I like my solar panels installed and not portable.

I listen to all the reasons on both sides, but decide what works best for me. I actually only finally purchased a surge protector for my new rig. So was 9+ years without one - and purchased because I stayed somewhere where the current was spiking. To be honest, if I see that, I would prefer to unhook, surge protector or not. Just me.

I'm curious about the "if they get too wet, they will fail"? I read before purchasing mine that weather would not cause a failure?
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby chalet05 » Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:19 pm

I was surprised when mine failed but after a hard rain there was 'condensation' on the read out screen.

LeRoy has the remote voltage monitor for his Progressive in both his rigs. He had hardwired mine in the 5er and removed it when I sold the 5er.
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:59 pm

Are surge protectors suppose to make a noise. I decided to plug mine in today when my son got through with my motorhome. It has a pretty loud hum. Mine is a TRC brand. Not what most people have.

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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby Birdie » Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:07 pm

Martha, I don't think they are supposed to make a noise. But, and I am sure you already have, plug in your rig and see if it still hums.

I took a hit thru a connection from a thunderstorm and my Progressive EMS was damaged. They repaired it for me! Was glad it happened to the EMS and not my m/w, refrigerator and furnace like my friend. Should of had the EMS out of his baggage bay and on the pole. Insurance covered the appliance loss, but the food loss and keeping warm while waiting for repairs in January was on him.
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby MelissaD » Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:53 pm

If it's a large enough surge the "surge protector" is suppose to "fry" to save the trailer's equipment. It should not catch fire, which leads me to believe the surge protector was not rated high enough. In the Progressive Industry you replace the circuit card and your back in operation. With a Surge Guard you throw it out and buy a new one.
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Re: Surge Protection and other tech questions

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:20 pm

The green light came on and I could get electricty through the surge protector but it continued to hum. It also has a rattle if you shake it. It has a lot of miles on it. I haven't used it a lot but I have hauled it around for years. lol Probably need to invest in a new one.

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