Foxtail can our pets.

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Foxtail can our pets.

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:09 pm

Reading RetiredHappy (Karen's) post in Barbzeee morning talk, she mentioned her pets getting burrs stuck in their paws and it reminded me of what my son is dealing with in California. One of his dogs got something stuck in it's paw and it turned out to be from the foxtail plant. He has a huge clump of it growning in the backyard of their newly rented house. The vet said to get rid of it immediately!! Below is more info on this weed.

Foxtail is a common annual grass usually considered a weed. It grows one to three feet tall, with branching and some spreading at ground level. Leaf blades are 4 to 15 inches long. Flower heads are dense spikes with yellow to reddish, green or purplish bristles. As foxtail matures, seeds are formed at the top of the stalk. The bushy seeds are what gives the plant the name of "foxtail".

When mature, the seeds detach easily from the plant. This is natures way of making sure that the plant reproduces. The seeds easily cling to clothing, fur, and hair. The seeds always move forward thus penetrating the skin.

The seeds found in the ears, eyes and nose are very serious and can become life threatening. But no body part is immune. The seeds have been found in the urethra, vagina,
anal glands, brain, and spinal cord. In one case a veterinarian found the seed in the lung but the original site of entry was the paw. The seeds also gain entry through open wounds.

Foxtail seeds are very tiny so veterinarians usually go by symptoms.

If in the nasal cavity, the dog sneezes repeatedly and violently often hitting the nose on the floor. If a bloody discharge is noticed assume it's a foxtail seed.

If in the eye, the dog paws at the eye and the eye waters. If an eye is glued shut it is most likely a foxtail seed.

If the seed is in the ear the dog shakes its head violently from side to side. Sometimes the dog paws a the eyes or ear, shaking the head and squints.

In the mouth foxtail seeds can cause gagging or difficulty swallowing. If the seed gets caught between the teeth, in the gums, back of throat, or tongue problems can result.

If the seed lodges in the paw or under the coat a lump will form that is painful to the touch. Other symptoms include rubbing the head on the ground and going round in circles, licking or biting at the rectum or other body parts, or yelping or shining for no obvious reason.

Foxtail seeds can cause fatalities when they reach internal organs.

In any case, do not attempt to treat the animal yourself. Get professional help.
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Re: Foxtail can our pets.

Postby Bethers » Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:41 pm

Thanks for that info - scary stuff!

We have the burrs here - are here year round, worse some times of the year than other - and more painful when no rain. When Peaches gets a burr in a paw, she sometimes walks 3 legged for a minute - then stops and looks at me like "aren't you going to take care of this?" at which time I say sit and instead she lies down and offers up the leg in question LOL
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Re: Foxtail can our pets.

Postby avalen » Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:44 pm

yes indeed, foxtails are very scary, thanks for the reminder, we have them here as well,
but thankfully none in my yard
Somewhere with Ava and Maggie
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Re: Foxtail can our pets.

Postby Mollysmom » Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:54 pm

Thank you for the information - I didn't know fox tail was so dangerous to pets !
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Re: Foxtail can our pets.

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:54 pm

lol the title of my post got cut off. I'm having computer problems, everything is jumpy, but I know you got the gist.
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Re: Foxtail can our pets.

Postby Cedar518 » Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:17 am

Wow,...I didn't know all of that,... thank you so much for such an informative post. With "Middy" a daytime wanderer outdoors i will be looking around the property to see if I have any of this plant to cut down and get rid of. Very good info!

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