Well, we didn't think Spinner was interested in the water, as we had had him on this beach area of the Cape Fear river before & all he did was run & play in the sand, but last Saturday we decided to try some fishing there and took Spinner along for another run in the sand....we got our fishing poles all baited and out into the water...Spinner sat there so nice and patient while we did this.....then we let him loose to do some running.....Low and behold, he starts running not only on the beach, but right out into the water....just having a grand old time...
After awhile, we decided he needed a break...so we got him to sit on his beach towel while we finished fishing....boy, was he tired.... sitting there dozing off....
Got him back to the camper and like having a little kid with you, he was all full of sand and salt water...so it was a bath for Spinner, then supper and a nap....
Needless to say, we now call him "Spinner the water dog"....