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Seizure dog?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:45 pm
by dayspring39
I think Shadow had a very brief seizure this morning. How would I know. He was sitting at my feet and I thought he was scratching I looked and he wasn't. It was such a quick thing I am not sure. What should I look for?

Re: Seizure dog?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:11 pm
by avalen
My little Pixie used to have seizures, a few a year. Blood work was
all normal and nothing was definite as to the cause. She would get
like she was drunk and totally out of it, but then seizures can be
different in each individual. Seems each time she had one it happened
when she was under the covers and got very warm. Vet had sad unless
she had several episodes in a week, medication would do more
harm than good. Her seizures would leave her wiped out for a good
hour before she would return to acting normal. It always broke my
heart to see it and I just held her to comfort both of us.

Re: Seizure dog?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:29 pm
by bluepinecones

Re: Seizure dog?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:13 pm
by dayspring39
Thanks... he seems to be ok... it was less than 5 seconds... it would have gone unnoticed but he was sitting on my feet and I thought he was scratching... but no... so I will keep an eye on him...

Re: Seizure dog?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:05 pm
by retiredhappy
Buddy, my big male Lab had about three seizures a year and they always terrified me. they didn't last long, maybe only a minute but it seemed like forever. I would just wrap my arms around him while they lasted. When they were over he would be thirsty and tired but fine otherwise. He would just sort of stiffen up and twitch and drool some. My vet said they are not uncommon in dogs and unless they are really frequent to not worry. Also said the medication isn't recommended unless the seizures are really frequent. He did prescribe tranquilizers for me. He had them the entire 14 years I had him.