I've had two incidents last summer where the circuit breaker tripped on
the a/c and once this summer. My poor Bandit really suffered during these
moments but thankfully I was able to get home before anything tragic
happened. I came across this device while researching a workkamping
facility in New Mexico that will call your cell phone if the heat rises in
your rv while your away putting your pets in danger. I'm not going through
another summer without one! Pricey but well worth it in my opinion.
Actually, I was quite impressed with this site, it is DesertHaven Animal
Refuge in New Mexico and they offer workkamping. Its a no kill shelter
near Truth or Consequences. Just another possibility for those of you
who do the workkamping thing, especially if you love to work with the
little animals. This link takes you to the Animal Refuge
http://sunnyparkfun.com/Stores/DesertHa ... nteers.htm