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Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:01 pm
by sunshinecruiserTN
Hi Girls,
I recently took my motorhome into my home dealership, Cullum & Maxey Camping Center in Nashville. It had to have some work done on the slide and while it was there I asked them to check the tire pressure. They did the work and I picked it up the same day, quick turnaround. It was time to pay the bill which is never a good time and they had charged me $47.50 to check the tire pressure and air them up. OMG, I was shocked and disputed the bill and Bud Maxey gave me the runaround about what all is involved in checking tires. Duh, I do it all the time, this time I just thought while it was in there, I'd let them do it. What an expensive lesson. They would not cut me a break of any kind.

I have sent a letter to the management of the company (haven't heard any response) and an email to Winnebago who quickly and promptly got back to me and assured me they would take it up with the dealership upon their next visit.

Just wanted to warn you about CM if you are in the Nashville area. If you use them besure to ask for the prices up front. You can bet your bippy I will next time. Like I said, expensive lesson.

Funny thing to me is air at service stations has gone up to 50-75 cents but my gosh, $47.50?? I have pulled into Firestone and never purchased anything and they have checked it for me, etc. They lost revenue on me because I was ready to get my toad equipped to tow, now I'll have to look elsewhere.

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:28 pm
by Bethers
I read on another forum where someone was charged for this. So far, I've always just stopped at tire places and asked them to check my tires - they always have and have never charged - Firestone and Goodyear places both - as well as a few independents. I even have offered to pay something for their time - and tried to give the guys a tip last time - and was turned down.

Make sure your dealer knows that not only are you upset, but that you contacted Winnebago and that you will NOT use them for ANYTHING in the future. The only way to stop some of this outrageousness - is to make sure they know you won't take it.

A couple years ago I got charged an outrageous price for an oil change - the rv service place charged me the same they would a large, diesel Class A. I've discovered since that all rv service places rip me off on oil changes - some worse than others - so I don't use them anymore. Now, the mobile rv service company here in Port A will do them where I'm parked - his price is high - but he comes to me - so should I ever need that - at least I wouldn't feel as ripped off - AND he told me in advance that he has the service and what the cost is.

Oh, the last rv service place that I argued about the price of the oil change - also screwed up the air in my tires. Put way too much air in - and when I argued with them, they wouldn't change it - so I left and went down the road and had it changed. I knew they put too much in because they had it on the service order (at least the air was a courtesy with the oil change) but does me no good if they overfill.

Sorry to hear that companies are completely forgetting what the word service means.

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:53 pm
by Carolinagal
Wow! What a rip off !!!! I've never heard of such. So far its been a courtsey offered with my oil change etc. Hate to consider this fee may happen in the future, we may have to take up doing more services to our rigs then we want to. What a huge price for checking tires--------even if all were flat and you needed a great amount of air, that price is outrageous. Just my opinion, sorry you got ripped off.


Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:23 pm
by retiredhappy
Tell them you're going to blackball them on several RVing forums. I've never had to pay to have my tires checked anywhere.

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:06 am
by snowball
in a word outrages!!!

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:56 pm
by sunshinecruiserTN
Ok, get this girls. Bud Maxey called me today and said he was going to send me a check for $47.50 plus tax. He said, it was my decision if I wanted to keep using them, it didn't matter to him one way or another!! Well, what the heck do you think? I was more ticked off when I hung up from him on his attitude. It didn't matter to him? I will NOT go back to that dealership!

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:07 pm
by Paulette
Sounds like he just lost himself a customer or two or three! What an arse!

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:30 pm
by Bethers
Take the money and run ... to anyplace else for your next work.

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:09 pm
by Carolinagal
Sounds to me like he got chastised and forced to re-imburse you and he was ticked. In this economy, think he had best learn who he really needs to be nice to.

Hope the check arrives soon.


Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:09 pm
by Cedar518
He doesn't CARE?!?! Well gal, there is your answer,... he doesn't DESERVE your future business.

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:57 pm
by Liz
Yep, yep, I second that.

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:56 pm
by snowball
read this to dh and he said you ought to write to winnabago again and tell them about his attitude. I for one don't think I will utitlize them at all

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:00 pm
by Getupngo
That is just nuts ... and his attitude is even worse. :evil: I agree ... in this economic climate an RV dealer / service operation should be kissing your feet in appreciation for your business.

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:48 pm
by Paulette
I think regardless of the economic situation, a dealer should hold the customer in high esteem. We are spending our hard earned money at their establishment. Give us an honest deal for our money and we'll come back again and again. Treat us with respect and we'll come back again and again. Tell us you don't Care...and why should we!

Re: Black ball Dealer

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:11 pm
by SeeyaGal
Yep Maxey got his hand slapped and so he's being an ass, probably alot to do with the fact you are a woman and not a pushover! In a time where service centers are hungry for business I'm shocked at the treatment of what they dished out to you. If it had been a guy..Maxey would not have gotten away with it at the payment counter!!
When are guys going to understand we are not pushovers! Someone tried to get us to pay more for hours of labor and I called them on it and said " Hey, I was IN the RV the whole time , your service person was NOWHERE near me those many hours!!" they quickly dropped the hours and price! I make a point to hide in mine so I know what they are doing or not doing! Another reason why I like service centers that I can STAY with my RV, to watch them like a hawk! Sad we have service people trying to scam us...shame on them!!

Yep I'd let them know they are black balled and have lost a customer and maybe more!!