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Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:49 pm
by oregontocal

Good morning, at least I think it’s morning – things have a tendency to run together lately. Today is the end of my second week working here and I wasn't sure I'd get through last night. It was the first time several of us were assigned the entire place, not just our training area. Yes, that's because we'd been doing well, our "numbers" were on target. However . . . .

This picture shows just a tiny, tiny part of one of the fulfillment centers. Last night I think I covered just a small part of it—but my little pedometer read 7.8 miles this morning. The picking procedure is, simplified: 1) find the area, a challenge in itself 2) find the bin 3) scan the bin number 4) if needed, open the box (or boxes) 5) scan the barcode on the item/items 6) drop it/them in the tote 7) when the tote is full (or too heavy), put it on a conveyor belt. 8) repeat over and over and over . . .for ten hours, upstairs, downstairs, in my lady’s parlor. By the middle of last night, every part of my body hurt so badly I almost cried but had to keep going for more and more and more hours, until 3:30 a.m. Drag myself out of bed around noon to prepare to do it again tonight. The only thing I think about is the money and that it’s only until Christmas. Then I never have to do it again, ever! First paycheck this morning. Talking with other workampers here, most of them have been counting the days for a long time. We work and sleep, that’s about it. Watching people at breaks or lunch, the first thing most of us do is pull out the Ibuprofen or Aleve or Advil bottles.

On Dec. 24, I'm getting the heck out of Dodge and heading someplace warmer to SIT and watch the sky, the river, and so forth.

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:45 pm
by Bethers
I knew exactly what it was going to be like. I worked one year for a major catalog company in their warehouse. I didn't pick orders, but I was one of the people who had to find the "missing" merchandise (those times where you get to the bin it's supposed to be in - and it's not there). Our job was actually fun - but god forbid we get in the way of the "pickers" lol - The full time pickers ran their entire shift at this company - as they got paid by the number of items they picked - not by the hour. They wanted it this way, as they made a lot of money during the busy seasons doing this. I know some of them ran as much as 15 or more miles in a shift. I can't imagine that - but it was over several hours - and they were not only used to it, but LIKED it.

Now, the seasonal people, like you are, Chris - oh, they were paid hourly - and it wasn't a bad wage - but yep, they were sore and tired - and they never ran - they walked.

The procedure you mentioned is very similar, with a few differences to that company - and what I expected. I bet you lose some weight - hope you have some to lose :)

And, please, make sure you stay hydrated!

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:24 pm
by Sparkle
Oh Boy, that looks like a nightmare job. And you thought waitressing was going to kill you! I hope the money's great and we could all stand to lose some weight I guess - any other blessings? Have you made any friends yet? Thank heavens we're already into November - can Christmas be far away?

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:58 pm
by Nasoosie
OMIGOD! That's what goes on behind the scenes at Amazon, eh?? I use Amazon a lot, both at school and here at home. I will appreciate the fantastic service I get from them even more now! More power to ya, Oregontocal! WHEW! Great picture, by the way!

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:20 pm
by oregontocal
Actually, I got the picture off the Web with a Google search. They;re very strict about security at Amazon--security checks and so forth. Don't think I'd get away with taking in a camera.

Did you know that they do fulfillment for stores such as Target?

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:56 pm
by retiredhappy
WOW, more power to you. I could NEVER do that - my legs would fall off at the end of day one.

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:41 pm
by mtngal
Double WOW! that is amazing, thanks for giving us this insiders look at Amazon. And no, I didn't know they did orders for other companies. Hang in there Gal, you will be ready for a marathon by Christmas!

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:44 pm
by rvgrammy1953
I worked for "Hanover Direct' for about 9-10 months in the late 90s as an order taker on the phones at the call center....(Hanover Direct did phone orders for catalogs like "Improvements, Sillouettes ) anyways, about 3 weeks before Christmas when the calls were down, the fullfillment center across town needed folks to help a bunch of us went over, got "cross Trained" :roll: and did overtime on Saturdays to help out....I was never so glad to get back to the phone bank with the headsets and computers as I was after that Christmas crunch.... :shock: Yes, I lost weight, and yes, be sure to have your water bottle handy.....

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:10 am
by Cedar518
Good grief Chris,... i'm exhausted just reading your description of it all...... a very sincere "tip of the keyboard" to you!

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:21 pm
by Bethers
rvgrammy1953 wrote:I worked for "Hanover Direct' for about 9-10 months in the late 90s as an order taker on the phones at the call center....(Hanover Direct did phone orders for catalogs like "Improvements, Sillouettes ) anyways, about 3 weeks before Christmas when the calls were down, the fullfillment center across town needed folks to help a bunch of us went over, got "cross Trained" :roll: and did overtime on Saturdays to help out....I was never so glad to get back to the phone bank with the headsets and computers as I was after that Christmas crunch.... :shock: Yes, I lost weight, and yes, be sure to have your water bottle handy.....

Another small world, Lori - the place I was talking about was the fullfillment center for Domestications and Company Store - also part of Hanover Direct - but in WI. I got to spend a week also working in the plant where they make the down comforters, etc for those catalogs (I was doing inventory for them). I enjoyed the time I worked for them - even though it was temporary- almost went back there for a full-time job later in the year- but that's when I ended up dealing black jack at a casino (what can I say - variety is the spice of life :) )

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:18 pm
by Sparkle
Is this where I can tell you I worked at a whore-house for a couple of hours? Well I didn't know it was a whorehouse. I thought I'd been hired as a cocktail waitress until the other girls asked me how much I had made. I told them $1.75 and they were boasting they had made $400.00. THAT'S when I noticed the arches lined with red velvet curtains at the other end of the room. It was a bar called The Nighthawk in Corpus Cristi. Maybe Beth and I should visit it when I get there. Nothing like revisiting the old workplace. (and no, inquiring minds want to know, I didn't make the 1.75 that way. I delivered a drink!) (to the table) (honest)

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:00 pm
by Bethers
LOLOL Sparkle - maybe we should :)

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:12 pm
by Nasoosie
TOO FUNNY, Sparkle!!!!! I spewed my beer I am drinking across my monitor when I read that post! From now on we need a 'spew alert' for these things!!!!

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:00 pm
by Sparkle
I was so naive. I had to go to the Madam and say, "I think I'm in the wrong place." She smiled and said, "I think you are too, honey." The bad thing was I couldn't leave because Hubby wasn't picking me up until twoam. She told me to sit at the bar, drink what I liked, on the house and she would make sure nobody bothered me. DH came in at 2.00, put his arm round my shoulders with a big smile and asked how it was. "Get me out of here!" I replied through gritted teeth.

Re: Working at fulfillment center

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:04 pm
by MsBHaven
OMG! Another Sparkle story! Amazing! I think that one is funnier than parking "in" the ocean!

Chris I admire your hard work. Thankfully Christmas is just around the corner and it will all be over soon.