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Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:55 am
by Barbzeee

I just thought I'd say a few kind words... as I want you all to know that I miss you all..and am working hard on getting things done so that I can be back with everyone... I so dearly enjoyed greeting you all...and sharing all your stories ..Gosh, it made me so much a part of you all..Even though lots of times there wasn't that much posting... I got to touch you all in my special way..

My mornings are getting back to some what can be... 5:30am starts my day and the critters are now getting the hang of it again... Family is slowly back to some kind of routine... Holidays will be a little on the rough side..but that's to be expected...

The 15th of Nov, would have been Ange's birthday... that will be we all called each other and had something silly to say.... If you all don't mind I'd like to ask a favor... if you could all light a candle in memory of Ange...I know she'd love it... as I often spoke of all of you and our forum...she'd always chuckle about how us Women were so courageous....

Our lives have changed...and like everyone have to move on...and as many of you have said.."Remember the good things"... the family is getting lots of help and the priest and ministers have been really great...even a few politicians have stopped by...of course multi tasking...LOL

Again, I want you to know my family (Robert's) thanks you so much for all your kindness and have said, "Bring them all to our family reunions"... see so you also have a place to venture too in Mississippi ... lots of good catfish and cornbread for sure !!!...

Ok, now I need to get my laundry done..only been almost 2 weeks worth..omg... can't even believe I let it go...but who cares... bought them special packages at got lots of undies hahahaha...

So soon I'll be up and running full forces to greet you in the mornings.... MIssing you all terribly...

God Bless


Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:00 am
by Paulette
Barb, we all miss you terribly too, and look forward to having you back when you can. Sounds like you are all making the best "lemonade" you can out of the lemons you have been dealt! Godspeed my friend.

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:03 am
by Shirlv
Barb, I was thinking of you this morning. Posted a note and it disappeared to where ever. The only thing that helps is time so spend some with us. Looking forward to your morning greeting.

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:04 am
by oliveoil
Good Morning --- Good Morning---- Good Morning---------
Awesome day in the Ozarks------- just beautiful this morning!!!!!!!!!
Enjoying this lovely weather while we have it!!!!!!!
Prayers for all of you -------- for those who are sick or have loved ones sick & for those needing a different job or needing a job-----& for those that only God & you know why you need prayers!!!!!!!
Blessings to you all & have a wonderful day!!!!!!! OO

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:21 am
by Liz
Good morning, Barbzee! You were sure on our minds as we enjoyed your Biscotti this morning with our coffee. Glad to see you are resuming your routine, although I know the holidays and reunions will be especially difficult. Candles will be lit for sure, and prayers said for you and your family.

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:46 am
by Mollysmom
Morning Barb
I'm glad things are getting back to "normal" for you and your family.
I started a candle group if anyone wants to go there to light a candle - Hope the link works, I haven't posted one here yet so not sure I did it right.
Good luck with the 2 weeks of laundry - Yikes !!! I'd just throw it all away and buy new :D
Take care

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:59 am
by oliveoil
Good luck with the 2 weeks of laundry - Yikes !!! I'd just throw it all away and buy new :D

I'd just have another auction & give it all away!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:35 am
by Bethers
Hugs to you, Robert and all the family, Zeee. You know your spot here is always open - as you do sit at the head of our breakfast table. It's been awaiting for you whenever you're ready.

And on another note - I know how busy all our lives are - when you do get back - much as we LOVE your recaps - if you have days where there is no time to read everything and do that - no one will be upset with you. Just drop in and say gm, love ya, and off you go. We just want your company when you are able. Yep, you are missed, dear friend.

I'm glad things are getting more normal for you - and yep, get that laundry done - it's starting to smell down that way :)

Love ya!

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:13 am
by AlmostThere
I can only repeat what all the other ladies have said. Please know that we are still rallying around you and Robert and hope you can feel our love and hope.
Big O Hug!

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:19 pm
by carold
Not much else to say that hasn't been already well put.. Glad to hear things are returning to normal (although with you, I'm not sure what that is ) :lol: carold

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:02 pm
by avalen
big ol hug for ya and everyone has said it all so well, I'm waiting patiently
when your ready. At least get the undies washed so they don't stink up
the room :lol:

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:38 pm
by Cedar518
Zeee my friend,.... we miss you but know you will be back leading off the morning coffee greeting soon. Until then you take your time,...just get those undies washed! hee hee... :roll:

I have lit a virtual candle via Trudy's link... great idea Trudy! And I'll have a real one lit here very shortly.


Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:54 pm
by Bethers
I wanted to let you know - that you were in my thoughts today. While in San Antonio, we went to a church here that I discovered on another trip (had to get help to find it again). It's called St. Joseph's and has a great history. It started in 1868 by som of San Antonio's German immagrants who wanted to hear church services in their own language. Today, some of their services are in English, some in Spanish and one Sunday a month they still do services in German (with a full German choir). The church almost was torn down for a department store - and it surrounded by big huge buildings. On either side of this church, where the stained glass windows are, are the tall walls of the surrounding buildings. Yet, somehow, when you walk inside, those stained glass windows light up as if the brightest sunshine is coming through them.

Anyway, while there this morning I lit a real candle for you and your family. I should say "we" - I did take a picture of your cancle - but have not downed any pics from my camera to photobucket yet - will do that later - or tomorrow - and post it then.

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:00 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Glad you are doing better and it's so nice to have you posting a little are in my thoughts always....jump back in when you are ready....

Re: Hey all :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:21 pm
by Echo
Hey?! Dang that's what that was?! Sure was glad that the wind changed direction yesterday!! WoooooWeeee!!! ;)

Hey Lady! You have been missed big time. And of course ya know that we all love ya!!! Get your asp back in here when ya can and give 'em all he77!!! :lol:

You have been in my thoughts and prayers both. You and the whole famn damily! It's rough and it takes time. You know that. Time softens and then heals the hurts.

Love ya and tons of {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

ps. I'm not sure of the count? but i hid a cold one for ya 8-)