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Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:24 am
by Getupngo
The Obama campaign finally found RV hookups for me, so I'll be packing up tmw and heading out Wednesday for my excellent new adventure. I'm scared. Seems like a perpetual state for me these days. But I guess fear is only bad when it keeps you from doing what you want to do.

I'll be going to Montrose, a city of 11K on the western slope of the Colorado Mountains. I look forward to spending an extra few days there and doing some exploring after we (finally!!!!) have a new president-elect.

As much as I miss my late DH, his pension has been such a gift to me ... I can jump in my MH and go so many beautiful places, do interesting things and streeeeetch my personal perceived limits. So even tho most of you aren't seeking the same outcome I am, please me well in growing personally as I learn a whole new skill-set as I help turn Colorado BLUE.

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:59 am
by Fernie
Sounds like you are going to have some great adventures. I've never campaigned on a national level but sure got my feet wet on the local level a couple years ago! Have a great time and enjoy the scenery too. Personal growth is a neat thing. Funny how it seems to come in spurts (sp ? ) even at our ages!! Keep on doing new things you want to do--scared or not!!!

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:19 am
by Echo
Love that attitude Janice!!!

It's amazing but somewhere even in the darkest times there is that silver lining that peaks and shows thru. Even tho your DH isn't there he's still helping you to fulfill dreams and move ahead. You go girl!!!!

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:54 am
by Cedar518
Janice,.... way to GO, girl! :D

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:56 am
by retiredhappy
Proud of you - you're gaining in strength every day. Are you in danger of getting into snow this time of year in Colorado? Be careful.

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:00 am
by rvgrammy1953
Janice.....although our political views aren't the same, I commend you on your commitment and joy in being involved....what an exciting thing to do!!! As been said personal growth and learning new things keep us all ya' feel like you are 25 yrs. old again..... :lol: Anyways, enjoy yourself and have fun...

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:41 am
by Bethers
I'm so excited for you. I was disappointed when you posted that you didn't think you'd be going. Isn't it wondrous how things can change overnight and we can change with them? Enjoy this experience - And do good work! I, too, commend you for not just voting yourself, but following your heart and working for what you believe in.

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:42 pm
by avalen
ohhhhh, I really LIKE Montrose, its a neat little town and they have a HUGE Super Walmart. They can have snow there this time of year, but the great thing about
Colorado snow storms is that it could warm up and melt off a couple hours later,
but thats where the ice comes from when the temps drop at night and that melted
snow freezes. But all in all, Montrose is a great little town and some of the buildings
have murals painted on them, would love to see some pics of those for my "memories"
and the Walmart btw is on the south end of town on the main drag.

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:56 pm
by Getupngo
avalen wrote:... some of the buildings
have murals painted on them, would love to see some pics of those for my "memories"
and the Walmart btw is on the south end of town on the main drag.

I'll take pictures and post 'em. I'm looking forward to getting to know a new place. I love that part of Colorado.

Oops. Gotta pull laundry out of the dryer!

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:12 pm
by snowball
When will you be back was going to call and see when we can get together. Guess we will have to wait a while
We will be here until after Thanksgiving with a 10 trip up to ID to take care of the grandkids
Will see you sometime in the mean time have a great time

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:59 am
by Fernie
We have early voting here in Tennessee, so I voted today so I don't have to worry about election day voting. The guy who retired just before me at Bridgestone was campaigning for Obama at the polling place. He was the 2nd to retire from our plant with 30 or more years of service and I was the 3rd. I do have the distinction of being the first woman to retire from our plant . It was a new plant in the early 90's. We campaigned together for my friend who is now D.A. here two years ago. That was my first time to actively campaign for anyone. We had a lot of fun but it was also a lot of hard work!! It was very worthwhile though!!! Glad you are getting to go to Colorado and do what you want to do!!

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:44 am
by AlmostThere
The only campaigning I've done was for my X-DH when he ran for the school board in Alaska. They had debates in some of the different towns and radio interviews, too. It was quite exhausting as our school district covered 26,000 sq miles!!

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:57 am
by Getupngo
Thanks everyone for your encouragement! Loadin' up and headin' out today.

I'll probably not have wifi ... so I'll be in touch when I can. I'm going into
VERY red territory so this will be a challenge.

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:15 pm
by Getupngo
Hi everyone!

My trip to Montrose has been interesting. On Wednesday en route, I turned on the water pump and water spewed from the side of my rig. "RATS! RATS! RATS!" is my de-uglified rendition of my response. I continued on and got into town late ... so I called Alex, my staff person, and told him I would find a place to stay in town ... and he could hook me up with his local person the next morning. I boondocked at Wal Mart. In the clear light of day, I found out that the shop had taken the drain plug out of my water heater. Screwed it back in ... no more water problems!

I called Alex and turns out he couldn't FIND that local person who had promised hookups... and gee, couldn't I just stay at Wal-Mart? NO!!! :shock: Within hours, he found a local couple who had a spot for me ... only 110 power so I'm living in a 12-volt world. But it's a 12-volt world on a hill with a beautiful view of the valley. My hosts are wonderful, helpful people who also have been hosting weekend volunteers from Utah in their home. They have offered use of their shower to reduce filling of my grey water tank. On to work ....

YEEK ... just got in and my house batteries are nearly dead ... fridge isn't working and furnace won't run. So I have the gennie on. Tomorrow a.m. I need to fill up the propane and talk about finding a different way to do this. The hosts have 30 amp on the other side of the property ... and I think I'll ask to move over there.

Re: Heading to Montrose, CO

PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:48 am
by AlmostThere
This is a novice asking this question but here goes. Is you rig level? I remember others mentioning that certain things won't run if the rig isn't level. JMHO