by oregonrambler1 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:40 am
Hi Carol, we usually start harvesting in June, onions, snap peas, beet, turnip, radishes (of course) and raspberries. July the two cherry trees are ready for picking, we can some and dehydrate what we want and donate to the pantry. We also pick blueberries at the local U-pick. Last year we picked 90 pounds of humongous blueberries. The summer squashes come in late June/early July. Tomatoes take a while here unless we get a real sunny summer. That's why we plant a lot of tomatoes and when they do ripen in late July, August, sept to first frost we're busy canning and making salsa. Peppers usually show up in July along with our apples. Yup, we make applesauce! Green beans are late July till frost. Butternut, delicato, pumpkin late august till past first frost (frost doesn't hurt them unless it's a real hard frost). So you see we are very tied to a stick n' brick but still love our short summer trips and by the time we put the garden to bed we're ready to morph into snowbirds. oh.. the small bed in the front we've dedicated to asparagus. The crowns aren't old enough yet to put up good shoots. We planted seed in 1/2 the bed a year ago, the other 1/2 this year. Hopefully next spring!
Paulette & Mary
Holiday Rambler Admiral
Honda CRV in tow