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My blog disappeared!
Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:05 pm
by BarbaraRose
Just realized that my blog is gone! Poof! Gone! Disappeared into thin air!
Google/blogspot doesn't recognize my password or my email address and says I have no account with them! Have any of you had that happen? Is there any way to retrieve it?
Re: My blog disappeared!
Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:47 pm
by Bethers
When I click on your blog name, I get a page that says:
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
Part of that was clickable, but not in the copy and paste -
When I click on that link it takes me to this page: ... swer=87065You might find your answer there.
If not, the very last thing on that page is a link to their forum where there could be more help.
Re: My blog disappeared!
Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:14 pm
by BarbaraRose
I have tried everything on that sight. My whole Google account is gone. I found the forum but wasn't able to post without an account so I had to create a whole new account in order to post about it. So we'll see if I get any answers. I just can't understand why it would all just get deleted like that, including my Google account. Says "no account found with that e-mail address". So strange!
It is frustrating because I put so much time and energy into posting all those photos...
Re: My blog disappeared!
Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:30 pm
by mitch5252
As far as I know, a Google Email address is different than a Google Account. I found out that when i was playing around with the Alaska Trip Map.
Re: My blog disappeared!
Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:44 pm
by BarbaraRose
I just went thru my e-mails from the other day that I hadn't opened yet, and one was from Google saying someone had changed my e-mail address on my account and if it wasn't by me, that I need to reset my password. So I went in and did that, but still can't find my blog...
Re: My blog disappeared!
Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:12 pm
by avalen
wow, sounds like you got hacked
Re: My blog disappeared!
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:43 am
by Redetotry
Barbie I'm so sorry about your blog,I loved all your beautiful pictures and have one as my screen saver. Can you do a system restore on your computer and find it?
Re: My blog disappeared!
Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:50 pm
by Carolinagal
Oh, I am sooooo sorry to hear this, you had such great pictures on it and I so enjoyed. Been so many years since I have been in that area and to tell the truth, don't remember it all that well. but I enjoyed seeing the places you went and the flowers were wonderful.
Will you start another? Is there anyway to get some of those pictures back, or have you lost them all, or did you have them saved? I hope you had them saved.
Sure disheartening, for sure, sorry,
Re: My blog disappeared!
Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:44 am
by retiredhappy
About pictures - when I download pictures to my computer I also keep all my pics on a flashdrive so I don't lose them. You do have to remember to update your flashdrive periodically. I also have a list of all my passwords on a flashdrive.
Re: My blog disappeared!
Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:25 am
by Bethers
retiredhappy wrote:About pictures - when I download pictures to my computer I also keep all my pics on a flashdrive so I don't lose them. You do have to remember to update your flashdrive periodically. I also have a list of all my passwords on a flashdrive.
I put all my pics on an external hard drive - and occasionally copy them to a flash drive, also - just in case that external hard drive crashes. Keep almost nothing on the computer anymore. But I like to think that if I lost it all - I'd still have what's on the blog- so I do feel your pain, Barbie. Have you contacted Google about the possibliity of being hacked? If they hosted the blog, then there is a chance they still have a copy of it - however, the longer you wait, the less that chance. As they do backups often, and if they back up to nothing - then that's the last they'll have.
Re: My blog disappeared!
Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:39 am
by Travelinana
That's a real bummer. I have enjoyed your blog so much. I also read about your computer problems. That doesn't sound good..good luck and maybe it's fixable so you don't have to replace. I agree that from now on you should put it all on a flashdrive. I subscribe to Carbonite because of my business but that is only on one computer. I am a little careless with my recliner laptop, let time slide before backing up my pictures and that's about all I have because I call this my play computer.
I use Picasa, I think my pictures are saved if I have a serious malfunction...Bethers or someone let me know on this one
Re: My blog disappeared!
Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:38 am
by Sandersmr
It depends if you have them on Picasaweb, Nana. If you are just using Picasa, they are only on your computer. But if you have uploaded to Picasaweb - so that you can share them or see them on the internet - then they are also loaded on the Google servers.
Re: My blog disappeared!
Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:06 am
by Travelinana
Sandersmr wrote:It depends if you have them on Picasaweb, Nana. If you are just using Picasa, they are only on your computer. But if you have uploaded to Picasaweb - so that you can share them or see them on the internet - then they are also loaded on the Google servers.
I'm not so savvy on the computer but if you can tell me exactly how to I know if I have uploaded to picasaweb. While I'm waiting for your answer I will do some exploring.. thanks, another reason for staying with this forum, it's a great tool!!
Re: My blog disappeared!
Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:24 pm
by BarbaraRose
I have all my photos on discs and in photobucket. Still, it was a lot of work to post them all on my blog. But I will start over again with a new blog.
I posted to the blog forum but haven't gotten any replies back yet... sounds like other people have had the same problems tho. Are there other places to get a free blog besides Blogspot?
I shrunk my screen size down so I can see the whole page now but it is really tiny and hard to read. I brought it into Best Buy to day and they said the screen has been damaged and needs to be replaced so I will look into that. Also looked at some netbooks. Was thinking I could get another one with 1GB memory and add another GB to it. I shouldn't need more than two. It is cheaper to add it than to buy a netbook with 2GB's already on it. '
Still working on my options...
Re: My blog disappeared!
Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:06 pm
by BarbaraRose
OK, I just checked my laptop and I've only used 32 GB's out of 219 on my hard drive, but my memory is almost all used up (only 31 MB's left out of 1011 MB's.
So I guess more memory is my priority. Has anyone here ever added more memory themselves? Is it hard to do?