Ladies, everyone with a Visa or MasterCard, credit OR debit - check your accounts!
As you may have heard this past weekend something having to do with those two cards being hacked. I do not use credit cards but do have several debit cards, so I'm safe, right? NOT
Went to PT this a.m., pulled out the same card I have been using..."declined" -twice even!!
Off to the credit union when I finished PT, credit union says yep, your card has been frozen OK, I'll bite "why?"
Seems there was a questionable on line purchase made Sun.evening, the card company tried to contact me but couldn't, so they froze the account.
The credit union apologized profusely, but I explained how trilled I was that they were keeping an eye on this junk going on and probably saved me a lot more grief.
So the old card is in a billion pieces and a new one on the way.
Go check your accounts just to be safe.