gkcbates wrote:good to know! Yes, if you get a feeling about a place or something sends up a red flag then its best to follow that inner voice that warns you. Nice to hear that this is not something that happens often at all.
Another question I have thought about is what do you do about weather? Of course I know you can't do anything about weather! (wasn't it Will Rogers who said "everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it"?) But do your try to avoid certain areas at the time of the year when storms are likely there etc?? I've seen a few RV campgrounds that have storm shelters but I don't know how common that is.
I'm one that mostly ignores the warning to shelters - and drives others crazy. But until recent years my dogs weren't allowed in shelters with me- and as long as that was true, I didn't go either. Now, when I was in TX and we got an evacuation order for a hurricane, you best believe I evacuated. And when I'm somewhere with wind, I try to get off the roads and be safe during it. I lived most of my life in tornado country, and it's next to impossible to avoid being anywhere where something will happen. I do try to avoid too much winter, though. And I do watch the weather reports before I get on the road. But since I live on the road - that's just to decide to not travel one day and travel the next, basically. I try to give myself extra time - like getting to my AK job - I'm leaving earlier than I want to spend too much time sightseeing in Canada and on the way - because I'll probably still be hitting snow - but will give myself double the time needed to get there - so if any bad weather hits, I sit it out. If I get there early, that's fine - but want to get there safely.
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
"He who treasures the small things in life has found the path to true happiness"