Lazy Bum Day

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Lazy Bum Day

Postby Echo » Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:19 pm

We finally got down here to Pigeon Forge yesterday at about 5pm. sheesh!! I simply could not get Kelly's butt out of the dang bathroom. And it wasn't that she was using it either. Gods! She got into super cleaning mode yesterday in the bathroom and would not give it up until the freaking room sparkled! Finally threatened to leave her cleaning AZZ home. Now I like a clean bathroom as much as or maybe more than others. But dang it all I wanted to go camping!! Got here and the cabin is cute. Not much to it but cute. One double bed and then the bunks, two shelves ? I think ?, one is higher like a desk and the other is lower about seat height. But they don't match so ya can't use them together for the laptops and no chairs. Went straight to supper, we ate at Duff's Smorgasbord, YUM. I think they've scaled it back from what it use to be? It's been awhile but seem to remember it being bigger with more choices. But it was still yummy. We have to go back today. We totally forgot we didn't have any cash on us and could only leave a $2 tip. Oh I felt like a turd not being able to leave a better tip. Got the waitresses name and found out she was working today so we are taking more $ for her tip, she took good care of us. She told us to not worry about it but I told her that Kelly and I have both been waitresses and we know how it is. Not to even mention that the tips she makes probably support her during the 2 months that the restaurant is closed for winter. We cruised the strip up and down a couple of times and then went to a 'movie ride' thing. Ya sit in these movable seats and on the screen they show a video of wild roller coasters. There's 4 roller coaster videos in all, I made it thru the first 3. During the third one the seat did more jerking side to side than you could shake a stick at. My back very quickly let me know that it had had enough of that crap. Holy smokes it shook my glasses off the front of my shirt and my wallet right up and out of the front pocket in my jeans. Good thing I caught it! :shock:

Today we are going to Gatlinburg to wander and nose into the shops. We're not into buying much, we're into our cheap mode. Plus just don't need more stuff. ;) Oh, I did buy a couple of little signs last eve. One says "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part", I'm gonna hang that one in my cubicle at work. And the other one says "Put on your Big Girl Panties and Deal With It". LOL

Ok need to get dressed and high tail it out of here. I've been a lazy bum so far today. ;)

Only one really bad thing about this weekend. Shade's not here and I miss her something awful. :cry: I didn't have her to snuggy with last night.

Ok will check in later. BYE :lol:
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: Lazy Bum Day

Postby Carolinagal » Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:39 pm

Oh, Echo, I love those signs you got. Both could be applied in my life right now. I hope you two have a great time up there. I spent a week at the Koa in Pigeon Forge, last June, wonder if its the same place. If so, right behind the cabins is a river, creek, whatever area you come from and call it ha,ha Are you going to Dollywood? Wore me out, went with my daughter and family. Kids wanted to run everywhere, they were so excited. I didn't go the second day, enjoyed the park, and they didn't have to wait on Gran'ma.
Nice to know you're there, keep us up todate on what you find to do, now, that movie ride, I might like 2, but 4, no way.
Have fun !!!

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Re: Lazy Bum Day

Postby Redetotry » Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:10 pm

Glad to hear you and Kelly got away for a little R & R hope it is a very relaxing good time.

What's with the bathroom cleaning kick, is it going around!. My DH nearly killed me Thursday when he decided to clean the shower in the basement. We use all natural products as I have allergies but...he bought some regular really smelly stuff and thought I wouldn't notice. Well, it drifted right up and I kept asking him had he bought a new soap, shampoo etc WHAT was that smell, my throat was closing up. He finally confessed that he had bought something at the regular grocery. I had to leave home for 3 hours. When I left, I could smell the stuff out in the front yard as he had opened the garage door to let in more air. He must have used the whole bottle, wonder he didn't pass out! I told him I was so mad I had to get out of the house before I hurt him! Since I seldom get mad or say anything if I do, I think he took me seriously because boy has he been on extra nice alert since his clean attack.
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Re: Lazy Bum Day

Postby MsBHaven » Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:57 pm

Hi Echo! Glad you and Kelly got to go to Pidgeon Forge and Gatlinburg this weekend. We had hoped to go next weekend, but since our son is having surgery Friday we probably won't get there. Anyway, hope you have a good time. How to the leaves look over that way? Pretty colors yet? Ours have changed very little and just drying up and falling off. This is the big festival weekend at Museum of Appalachia if you are into's in Norris, TN near Clinton.
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Re: Lazy Bum Day

Postby Mollysmom » Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:01 pm

Hey Echo - it's OK to have a lazy bum day !!!
Enjoy your time off - take a nap if you want to !!! You don't have to zoom around all the time :D
Did you bring the camera ??? If so we want pics !
Enjoy !!!
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Re: Lazy Bum Day

Postby dpf » Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:14 pm

Gee Echo...with your job and schedule I can't imagine anyone who deserves a lazy bum day much more than you do...enjoy it. ;)
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Re: Lazy Bum Day

Postby SeeyaGal » Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:49 pm

Echo glad to see you are FINALLY getting some R & R! Enjoy!! :D
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Re: Lazy Bum Day

Postby Echo » Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:15 pm

Ok this is one pooped out lazy bum!!! OMG we left here, went to get lottery tickets for tonight's drawing. Power Ball don't ya just know!!

We then hit the road to Gatlinburg. Good grief The traffic stunk. Gosh darned tourists! :lol: Finally found a pay parking lot that actually had a few spots left open. Jeeze there was no one tending the lot it was a cash machine. $6 to park all day. Wouldn't ya just know that all I had was 5 one dollar bills, we had t stuff a $20 in it and get back $14 in quarters. Nothing like heavy pockets while trying to wander around. Wheeew we did some walking today. I am pooped. My feet still feel pretty good but the rest of me knows that I did something more than sit on my butt all day with a stupid headset on and hooked to the phone. Jeepers we walked up one side of the street, in this shop, in that shop, this shop, that shop, opps lets give that one a miss and do the next one. Went on the skyride to the top of the hill sat for a bit then back down the side of the hill. We checked out a place called Hauntings. What a joke and waste of money. It was good for a laugh tho, but not even the teeny tiniest spooky. :| :roll: Did buy a couple of new fridge magnets. Love the silly things. Had a shop called the Magnet store and I think they must have had every magnet there is. Except this is the south of course so there were no magnets there that were off color or vulgar in the least. And we had ice cream cones the last thing for dessert. YUM

Now we're back at the campground. Had planned to have a campfire tonight but it's just to danged late to fire one up now. Will have to peek in on the virtual campfire. I think I'll probably leave the alone tonight. I aint gonna need no sleeping aid tonight!!!!

When we are all done Kelly will have to post some pictures. Tomorrow it's off to Cherokee to see what they have to offer there. Will probably go to the casino and drop a whole $20 each. That's our limit, when that's gone so are we. hehehehe

Hope ya'll had great days too. Ni, ni.......
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: Lazy Bum Day

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:00 pm

Hey girlfriend,...I am sooooooooooooo glad that you are having a good time. You deserve it! Will be waiting for those pictures!

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