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On the Road Parke County Indiana

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:11 pm
by asirimarco
Well we got started yesterday a.m. before we were even into Nashville we saw something unusual - for around here anyway.
Picked up the RV at the RV place, she prob ably thinks that is her new home. Skirted Indianapolis and headed west on highway 36. Pretty trip. Mostly farm land and woods.
AFter we got settled in at the campground
we took a short drive into Rockville - the center of the Covered Bridge Festival. Have some neat old buildings they are restoring
and a beautiful courthouse from the 1800s
I love the old wood trim and doors
Another view from campground
Today we did a lot of driving around the countryside, but haven't downloaded pictures yet.
Right now it is peaceful here, but there are a zillion vendors getting set up for the weekend. Glad we went out today.

Re: On the Road Parke County Indiana

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:48 pm
by Cedar518
That pond makes me want to slip a canoe in the water and poke along the shores,.... what a great photo!

Re: On the Road Parke County Indiana

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:43 pm
by mtngal
Love the fall colors!!! (if I remember, you made a quilt of these same colors?)

Re: On the Road Parke County Indiana

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:01 pm
by AlmostThere
Carol, I got an email from my girlfriend in Illinois and she is left today for Rockville! She's not an Rver, though.

Re: On the Road Parke County Indiana

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:52 pm
by oregontocal
What a wonderful place! Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures.

Re: On the Road Parke County Indiana

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:38 am
by snowball
really nice pictures!!! That pond just looks like one should put a canoe in it!!
Thanks for sharing

Re: On the Road Parke County Indiana

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:10 pm
by Bethers
Lovely. I don't think canoe - I think postcard perfect. I love that you got that mirror perfect stillness. Great pic. Isn't it nice to arrive before everyone else and get a change to do the sightseeing without the crowds. Now, you can just enjoy the crowds and do the festival!