Anyone? Well, if so, here's the scoop! It's been crazy at work. Staying at the job until nearly 6:30 or 7:00 each night and get home managing to stay awake til 9 or 9:30 and then start all over again after a night's sleep. So much going on in the job. And then there's the whole stock market angst. My TSP (gov't equiv. to 401K) is dropping like a stone through water. I'm in the same boat as everyone thinking about laid plans are being torpedoed by a world finanancial crisis.
Well, back up two weeks ago...and I got a call from an old friend/co-worker in SoCal. Seems there's a job with my Agency out in the area I used to work in LA area. it's the same grade as I have now, but if I qualify (and that's always an issue in the Govt), I could get a relocation bonus to move myself out there. While I really ready to retire, part of the desire is to get out of VA. While I love my dear friends here, I am done with the East Coast. I want to be home on the left coast. Retirement is very tempting, but a couple more years of work, at a slightly higher rate of pay, and in a place I absolutely love would be do-able. So i put in my application yesterday; now it's hurry up and wait.
I can retire come December, but CA is so tempting, I figure I'll leave it up to the Universe. If she thinks I should keep working, I'll get the job. If not, then I'll retire, and like millions of others in our country, I'll have to tighten the belt a bit more than I thought I'd have to do after retirement. Either way, Left Coast 2012!!!!
Hope everyone here is doing well...hopefully, work will slow down enough I can get on the forum again with some more regularity!
Miss you all...