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Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:46 pm
by Marslet
We went to the vet today and I had him check Emma out really good from her scare the other night. He said she was just fine. He could find nothing wrong with her neck, head, or sholders. The little bugger weighs 2#13OZ. She has gained 1 # 2 Oz in a month. Little pigglet. He says that everything is fine with her, and I shouldn't increase the amount of food I have been feeding her. Now, comes Puppy Manners class. I asked him and he said as long as she has had her 2nd set of shots, she will be ok. She will have her Rabies shot the 4th week of our 8 week course. Wish us luck because the Tiny Terror has a mind of her own. I can't believe something this small has such a hold on my heart already. She loves to go to sleep on mama's quite impressive "boobies". She will throw her head up on my sholder and snuggle into my neck. Loves to be covered up with one of the blankets I made for her, and rocked while being patted gently on the rump. Reminds me of my daughter. She is such a sweet little dog. :lol:

Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:03 pm
by retiredhappy
Glad she's okay. Can anyone spelled "S P O I L E D"? Mine, of course, are not spoiled.

Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:20 pm
by Bethers
LOL- They really do tell us what to do. Peaches get burrs - and sometimes she wants to remove it, and other times she wants me to remove it - and I am supposed to always know immediately which time it is. I'm getting pretty good at it, but today, I misread a look, and went to remove a burr and she swatted my hand away, and used her own teeth to remove it. Then looked at me like saying "I'm not useless you know. I Can do that." lol

She doesn't want to be in my lap - she wants to be next to me, with a pillow, and uses her paw to tell me which part of her I'm supposed to be petting at that moment.

No, none of our dogs are spoiled :D

All that said, so glad that Emma checked out fine!

Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:28 pm
by dpf
If we aren't going to spoil them....why get them?

Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:36 pm
by Sunseeker
Oh Bethers, that fits right into October's book choice. :)

Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:26 pm
by avalen
so glad Emma is ok, mine are absolutely spoiled too, and I can't imagine
having a dog that wasn't, I think it would make a very boring or bored dog.
Spoil spoil spoil, thats what they're for!

Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:01 pm
by Echo
Shame! Shame on the whole lot of ya!!!!

Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:05 pm
by MsBHaven
Glad Emma is doing fine. I've had several breeds of dogs and loved them all, but both my husband and I have really fallen in love with these little Chihuahua's. Yep, when they put their little head up on your shoulder and go to sleep, it just doesn't get any better than that.

And, Echo, I can see by your photo that your dog isn't spoiled either, yeah, right.

Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:13 am
by Marslet
Thanks to all my wonderful sisters on the net!! Yes, I admit it, she is spoiled. But what else can you do when you gaze into those beautiful little eyes, which are still light colored and I hope they stay that way. My heart melts when she snuggles close and puts her little head on my sholder and trusts me enough to go to sleep knowing that mama will keep her safe :P I don't understand those people who hurt dogs with fighting.

Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:01 pm
by Echo
Yeah right. Try now to cover your tracks and shame. Now that you've all been found out...

I would never spoil Shade!!! Never!!!!!!!



Re: Emma's Dr. Visit

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:05 pm
by Bethers
Having met Shade, I think Echo needs to eat her words :lol: :lol: :lol: