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Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 2:14 pm
by kdmac
Head em up...move em out
by kdmac » Sun May 15, 2011 12:08 pm

After a month along the wild and furious Rogue River in southern Oregon it's time to load up and head east. Every place I go I find a favorite spot to frequent, somewhere completely away from the crowds so it's just me and the wild things. I will miss my spot here along the river. One day two deer came up the path from the river directly below and walked right by me when I was sitting out in my chair with my feet up...apparently they weren't aware I was a human as my feet were up and I looked like a structure, not a human, the river breeze was blowing my scent away, I froze completely still and only moved my eyes as I watched them cautiously walk by just six feet by me as they headed up the hill. Then directly behind me was a small heron rookery in the pine trees...I counted 11 nests. So, fun to watch the wobbly, fuzzy, long-legged babies...all beak and legs, flappin their fuzzy little parent would gracefully glide in and land to feed them while the other parent continually stayed at the nest guarding them. Unfortunatley I witness a bald eagle come in and grab one of the babies and fly off with it, long legs dangling, parents screeching. I had a rookery by my house on Camano Island and saw the eagles do that several times, they only have a limited time to do that as the babies eventually get too heavy, sad, but it is the way of things.
This area is one of many parts of Oregon with pioneer settlers.."Westward Ho the Movement" as they say. Such a beautiful semi-arid land of natural rolling grasslands surrounded by mountains covered by forests of oak, pine and medrona, odd forests but they have their own beauty. The deer, horses, and cows in the fields are standing shoulder high in natual grasses that blow so beautiful in the breeze...lazy creeks and giant oaks trees now 150 years old brought on the wagon trains so long ago. The warbling, rich song of the meadowlark as you drive with the window down. A still, calm and beautiful land; a land filled with milk and honey.

Now on to the eastern, more arid side of Oregon, to lazily float in the reservoirs,soak up the sun, watching for turtles, beavers, musrats and listening to the symphony of marshland birds, and scanning the baron hills with my binoculars for bigger critters. Having seen the photos from Liz and Beth and others of the unbelievable wildlife seen while kayaking in Florida makes me want to see that so badly but I doubt I could ever get that far unless gas goes way down. So, for now I will settle for marsh and wetland birds and critters here in the west.

I probably sound like a real "hick" that I prefer to be off on my own in the hills and on the waterways...but as I get older I look back on life and realize that it's at those times and in those places when I am happiest...I need to have a kind heart toward humanity, and as a whole, I do...I feel such sorrow and grief for the disenfrangized who had no vote in the flooding and destruction of their homes. The question begs to be asked as to why, really, why? When in our countries history did we willingly wipe out our own communities like this? There was a day in this country when monumental efforts of design and manpower would provide jobs to build waterways, levees, retention dams, fabulous efforts back in the day...with todays technology those structures could be mind-blowing...but instead....

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:48 pm
by Liz
kdmac wrote:Head em up...move em out
by kdmac » Sun May 15, 2011 12:08 pm

Now on to the eastern, more arid side of Oregon, to lazily float in the reservoirs,soak up the sun, watching for turtles, beavers, musrats and listening to the symphony of marshland birds, and scanning the baron hills with my binoculars for bigger critters. Having seen the photos from Liz and Beth and others of the unbelievable wildlife seen while kayaking in Florida makes me want to see that so badly but I doubt I could ever get that far unless gas goes way down. So, for now I will settle for marsh and wetland birds and critters here in the west.

One thing I have discovered in my travels and you are discovering now is that you do not have to travel far to see wonders and beauty. It is all around you, even in your own back yard. I love your descriptions and meditations about the places you have stayed, and am beginning to appreciate how much better you can immerse yourself in a place by staying longer. Keep posting your wonderful posts.

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:08 pm
by BirdbyBird
I agree with you much as I enjoy traveling and I am sure that I like to observe different architecture and the old structures of cities .... I also know that my childhood memories are of sitting out be a body of water and just being there. Or just sitting and watching a sunset and listening to the sounds of crickets.....

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:02 pm
by JoanE
Lovely description of your visit in Oregon. I drove the coast from Seattle to San Fran back in the early 80's. It took me days to make the trip as around every turn there was another reason to pull my car over and contemplate the beauty.

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:24 am
by bluepinecones
I think you have the gift to enjoy what mother nature has to offer no matter where you may be. Am looking forward to learning more as you set up your next camp.

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:58 pm
by AlmostThere
I think you are truly living the adage, "stop and smell the roses".

I use to sit for hours on the bluff over looking the mouth of the Kenai River as it spilled into the Cook Inlet... staring across to Mt Redoubt, watching the fishing boats returning with their catches, people walking/fishing from the beach and beluga whales chasing the salmon into the mouth of the Kenai. Eagles soaring overhead, magpies and seagulls squawking.. sheer bliss.

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:55 pm
by kdmac
AlmostThere wrote:I think you are truly living the adage, "stop and smell the roses".

I use to sit for hours on the bluff over looking the mouth of the Kenai River as it spilled into the Cook Inlet... staring across to Mt Redoubt, watching the fishing boats returning with their catches, people walking/fishing from the beach and beluga whales chasing the salmon into the mouth of the Kenai. Eagles soaring overhead, magpies and seagulls squawking.. sheer bliss.

That is as close as we will get to the face of God, while we are still here on earth.

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:14 pm
by JudyJB
This brings back memories. When I was a child, we had a cottage on Lake Huron on the tip of Michigan's "Thumb". (Hold your left hand up facing away from you.)

There was a long stretch of undeveloped land just down the beach. Parts of it were hard to get to except from the beach. We kids used to take tuna sandwiches and cokes and head down to spend the day. A favorite place was to sit on a bluff overlooking a river just as it emptied into the lake. when we got a bit older, we could swim the river and go down to the sand dunes. If you are every looking for a place to camp overlooking Lake Huron, try Port Crescent State Park 4 miles west of Port Austin. Some spots are overlooking beach, but busy during the summer.

I can't wait to get my eventual motorhome and find quiet out-of-the-way places like that.

I also think travel alone (better called solo travel) is the only way to go. I've been to Sctland alone and found some wild and beautiful places. I chose Scotland because it does really have some of the few wild places left in Europe, and they sort of speak English, or at least a version of English! I loved the one-track tiny roads and seaview overlooks. B&Bs were not expensive either, from $60 to $100 per night with huge breakfast. And singles are cheaper than doubles!

When you travel alone, you can choose what to do, when to do it, and eat weird meals without anyone criticizing! Lots of quiet time also.

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:48 am
by Colliemom
Your description was written beautifully. I felt like I was right there watching it all. Hope you post more as you travel along and share your thoughts.

I too am one of those who like the peace and quiet of beautiful spots. I like people,but there are times when I enjoy being alone, especially in beautiful settings. Here in northern Michigan, we are blessed with so much beauty, it doesn't take one long to find a spot to sit nd contemplate and just enjoy. It's one of the reasons my truck is on the road so much. I have spots I love to go to with the "girls" and just enjoy some time. There are so many rivers, streams, lakes etc. to be at, hiking trails to explore etc.

Last time I was at Aloha State park about a month ago, there was nobody there but me. I had taken the girls and just went up for the day. The wind was blowing toward the shore and all we heard was the gentle lapping of waves along the shore line. No other sounds, people or anything around. Was so relaxing and peaceful.

Whenever I am out alone in a beautiful setting and enjoying the "moment". I think of that song "The Place Where I Worship".

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:49 am
by HorizonSeeker
Wow! You make Oregon sound so peaceful. Makes me wish I was on that side of the country right now. I will get back there one day. But like many have said, you can find that peace just about anywhere if you just let yourself be still. Last month I spent a weekend camped at Bledsoe Park. No company except my dog Gus. The park was full as it was the first really pretty weekend of spring. But Gus and I left on Sunday morning and went over to the other side of the road where there is no camping because it's the site of the original fort and there are archealogical digs in the area. Gus and I were the only visitors there on that early Sunday morning so we took the self guided walking tour which wound through fields, around an old cabin, down into the woods by the old spring house, and even along a part of the original Wilderness Road with a 1700s cemetery. We spent about 3 hours along that walk all by ourselves except for the radio controlled airplane that sometimes flew high overhead from the next field over. So peaceful. And that's why I know I will be happy on the road alone in my rv. And as I learned traveling around southeast Asia alone - it's a good thing to be totally in charge of the itinerary and not having to race through some place you really want to linger at just to please a travel mate. Can't wait till school is out, the house is sold, and I can also say "head em up Move em Out"


Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:54 am
by kdmac
Aren't we all so fortunate to have the capacity and the enthusiasm for the RV lifestyle, full or part time. And I so agree, that every place has it's own rich beauty, arid dry expanses, to lowland forest lakes and waterways...and all in between.
I wrote this short poem years ago and have made some paintings with these words on them:

Alone by the River,
Gazing High to the Peaks,
The Fresh Mountain Wind Through My Hair,
My Soul is Restored, My Spirit Renewed,
For It's God That I Feel When I'm There.

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:46 am
by Redetotry
I too love the Oregon and Northern California coast and have visited there many times,I love the scenery and the climate especially. I just found and listened to a tape I made when I spent the summer of '92 in a tiny14' trailer at Patrick's Point, CA nearest town of any size was Arcada. I loved the trip out as a friend was with me but she only stayed a couple of weeks and then flew back to Illinois. After reading everyone's post about how they love to be alone and are content combined with listening to the tape, made me wonder and question if an RV is really for me. I was so bored and lonely that summer of '92 and I was surrounded by absolutely beautiful scenery, but the beauty to me was secondary I was focused on the alone part. I keep reading how people are so friendly that you meet but I didn't find that to be so, maybe because then not many women were traveling alone and the couples were definitely not open to bring friendly to a single woman. I did not have a dog with me for the first time and that was another factor it was the longest period I have spent since the mid sixties without a dog. I can't sit and enjoy an isolated place, I think my idea of solitude is a crowded coffee house where I have a great cup of coffee and a good book to enjoy. I can be completely alone there and become totally relaxed and totally absorbed in my book.

Maybe that summer I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time :?

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:12 am
by longdog2
Don't you think that is why traveling in an RV can be so great? You can choose to be a loner and enjoy being out there alone with nature or you can choose to be with people, get together to enjoy that scenery with new friends, etc. Neither one is the wrong way to do it just as neither one is the right way to do it. The right way for you is the way you enjoy it.

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:26 am
by Nasoosie
I love reading about everybody's unique feelings about being alone, or aloneness. I think I have felt the entire gamut of emotions that have been expressed here at one time or another. I have wept for joy of viewing a spectacular scene, (northern lights that blinded me and made me doubt my hearing for lack of noise with the flashes and waves and all, for instance,) and I have wept for sadness because I was viewing such beauty alone with no one to share with. And I have also wept for my inability to concentrate on my own likes, whether alone or with loved ones to share. Sometimes I feel there must be something wrong with me for being so fickle about my life. Sigh-----Perhaps I just haven't grown up yet. Perhaps I never want to grow up. Perhaps I worry about me because I haven't grown up. Perhaps I wory because I am afraid I might grow up! Whatever, on my trip north this time, probably by myself, as I haven't yet heard from my daughter about her keeping me company on the trip home, I can teach myself some self-assurance and how to be happy in the moment. Yes----that is a goal for me now. I need to remember that the long trip of 1500 miles is just a bunch of short hauls----as many have tried to tell me.

Re: Head em up Move em Out

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:15 am
by Readytogo
Im glad there is at least one other person sort of like me. I enjoy nature and scenery as well, but just dont think humans are supposed to isolate themselves from contact with others. I will travel alone because i want to go and im going to be alone at home anyway, although I enjoy interaction with people and many many close friendships. I too enjoy a coffee shop with a book or maybe a shopping area to sit and watch the people! I hope those who feel otherwise will understand not all of us enjoy a solitary lifestyle, however that is what makes us such a great group of friends! Wendy