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It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:00 pm
by NakedPupsAndMe
I'm camping beside ppl I cannot stand!! We always speak to our neighbors & try to be friendly. These ppl are horrible! When they first pulled in, Hubby spoke to them & they wouldn't even speak. They have a huge Class A & barking dogs. Their dogs barked incessantly the first couple days. Now they bark every time the ppl leave or a dog walks by. I wish I had asked to be moved when I paid for my second week, but we were set up so nice here I hated to pack up. Most everyone we've met camping have been great. My neighbors across the way ask if I need anything whenever they are going out, as they know I'm here with no wheels. So it's only these ppl next door but I REALLY don't like them! :evil: I feel better now since I've vented. :D

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:03 pm
by Paulette
Bummer! Well, I guess we have to remember that it takes all kinds...and what goes around comes around. So, some day they will get it back double-fold! In the mean time, glad you feel better after venting! Not much else you can do about it.

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:12 pm
by Sunseeker
It's so sad there isn't a universal campground etiquette. Would it help to complain to the management about the dogs barking? You are certainly entitled to some peace as well. Maybe the rude people will be leaving soon :x

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:16 pm
by avalen
yea, what Paulette said, bummer
Its gotta happen once in awhile, so feel free to bitch about the neighbors anytime,
I'm sure we've all been there once or twice

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:29 pm
by Barbzeee
Uh oh... I best not say much here..cause Jill you know mine will belt out a tune... in harmony LOL

It's no lie... if they know I'm out and near by .. they want to let me know how dare I...however, it's a tune ..not barking..cause they know I have the big Red Bat.. and I'll whack LOL yeah right .. but no.. mine will croon that's for sure...

Was I a bad neighbor Jill... LOL

Micki... I'd ask them to please see if they can do something about all that barking... maybe they just don't know.. sometimes playing dumb about it might get the message across... Like... Oh, you'll never believe how your dogs barked while you were gone... everyone around was asking who's dogs were they LOL works most of the time.. doing it innocently hahahaha.... instead of my normal manner... Hey, Shut them Friggin dogs up !!

Micki, it's ok to vent... wish I was next door.. I'd vent right in their face !!!

God Bless.. how about ear plugs ????? and a bottle of brew :)

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:44 pm
by Sunseeker
Barb, your dogs were very well mannered. I only heard them the one time, and Robert ran right over there to quiet them. Or was it Richard...?

I was honored to meet them all and look forward to camping next to you again...anytime!

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:54 pm
by Barbzeee
Jill .. they are well mannered cause I threaten to put allum in their water so they'll only be able to whistle..LOL nah.. I just have that bat.. and although Zeke has put a few indentations in it... they think I'm nutz enough to use it.. hahahaha.... Now if I could only train Robert LOL He's the last word be said.. you know what I mean...LOL

Hey, I really enjoyed our camping and yep, Robert is looking forward to it too...We sure did do some laughing..

God Bless...

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:18 pm
by NakedPupsAndMe
I'm the one most ppl wouldn't want to camp beside! We generally have 4 or 5 naked pups, but mine do not bark. I'm like you Barb, I threaten them with a paper. We don't leave them alone more than a few minutes at a time b/c I don't want to bother my neighbors. The second I see them focusing on something or growl, they get a warning. That's all it takes.

Their dogs are a pain in the... neck, but what I hate the worst is their attitude! :twisted: Anyhoo, I've given them enough of my time. We are having a ball!! The girls & I are cooking out steaks tonight & we may toast marshmellows later. :D :D They can't rain on our parade, but thanks for understanding & letting me vent! :D :D Wish I was camping beside some of ya'll!

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:52 pm
by Mollysmom
I'm glad you aren't going to let the "bad people" ruin your wonderful time !!
I don't let Molly bark either ! She'll usually saves barking for something important because she knows random barking is not allowed. It makes me crazy to listen to a dog just bark and bark - I feel bad for the dog, you know it's bored or stressed. Shame on those people.
Enjoy your steak and marshmellows - that sounds wonderful !!!

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:13 pm
by avalen
oh yum steak, that sounds so good!! maybe cause I haven't had one in years,
but I can sure remember how good they taste.

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:24 am
by Cedar518
So, when the breeze is blowing their way a nice campfire .... hee hee.... :roll:

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:08 pm
by retiredhappy
I'm with Cedar, build a smokey fire when the wind is blowing their way (or use a fan). I'm a firm believer in being a squeaky wheel - complain to management. I've never seen a park that didn't have firm rules about pets disturbing other people. I always wonder about people with dogs that bark at night - don't they hear them barking and barking and barking and barking?

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:23 am
by NakedPupsAndMe
Thanks for all the good suggestions! :twisted: The smokey campfire is a good one, but it might not be a good thing as windy as it's been. I don't like them, but nobody deserves to have their new Winnebago burned down! Since I whined & complained about these ppl, it's only fair to praise some really good neighbors. One couple ask if I need anything everytime they go out. They are really nice ppl. Then another couple just helped me take my awning in. The winds here are awful & looks like it'll be windy thru tomorrow too. I have never put the awning out or taken it in before. I know I can take it in myself next time. Putting it back out is a different story. I love having it out, but it is staying right where it is.

Two things my next rig must have. Slide outs & an easier awning! :D :D :D I do love my little "Beach House", but I'll make sure the next one is more user-friendly for me.

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:11 am
by Bethers
The beach there and here in TX are not really good places to use awnings - as you will be putting them in and out all the time - sometimes several times a day. 90% of the people where I am don't bother putting it out at all. And those with automatic awnings have seen them popping in 5 minutes after they put them out - or not coming in when they need them to - so if you should ever get an automatic awning - take it in whenever you leave - as bad weather can happen anytime, anywhere.

Me, I do look forward to having an awning again on my next rig - but am so used to not having one now, not sure how much I'll use it :)

Re: It finally happened!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:07 pm
by NakedPupsAndMe
They just left!!! WooHoo!! Would it be inappropriate to go out & dance in their empty space?? :lol: :lol: :lol: And I can see the ocean again!!

Bethers, I have a lot to learn. An automatic awning "sounds" wonderful, but I want to do research on it first. I love the beach so most of the time that's where I'm going to camp. I have to take the wind into consideration. I don't want something that will pop back in on it's own! What about my patio lights? :shock: I had a very non-chalant attitude when we bought this one. All I wanted was something to take my dogs to the beach in. Now I'm trying to learn how everything works, & you can bet buying the next one I'll be way more involved. If I can sell enough doggie cakes, I'll buy my own! I study the pics of all your rigs. I love how ya'll make them your own by adding special touches.

Okay, I have to go out & dance now!!!! :lol: :lol: