This is Jennie waiting for us as we drove along the beach

this guy had his family waiting on the center divider while he danced for the traffic

a closer picture of him

ate lunch at this newly remodeled hotel in Tepic

Bugs Bunny organ grinder in Tepic

He is standing in the middle of the street reading a newspaper AND there is NO PARKING along this curb
In 1761 this yellow building was the home of the Priests in Tepic]

A Huichol Indian couple - her dress is a silky material trimed with all colors of lace and rickrack

Huichol Indian man with his hand embroidered outfit - takes over a year to make it

Want music - just ask these guys

Hungry? Stop here for tortillas and beans - the gril was very hot

This is cute - about a toddlers size 2 or 3

Decorations for your home for sale - I would think they would get heavy

He really isn't interested in selling his cooked meat

These are cocadas - coconut candy

some of the stores are no larger than 10 x 10 with very little light inside

Street sweepers - must have been 20 or 30 of them

The main street leading off the Autopista into Tepic - construction is finally finished - after 3 years

A loaded sugar cane truck on the Autopista - toll highway

I wonder how much his toll was

A beautiful yellow flowering tree

The entrie roof of this house was covered with orange flowers

Fixing the pot holes in the road

Well here goes nothing - see if it works