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It was eight years ago this month that I bought my rig. OMG how time flies. It was three years ago this month that I went fulltime and after hanging on to my house by renting it out, I'm now trying to sell. I might have to hang on longer because the housing market stinks right now. I don't miss my "stuff" at all and actually don't remember what I have in storage at my daughter's altho I do notice that more and more of my furniture is working its way into her house. Sometimes when I'm watching HGTV I do miss being able to redecorate once in a while but just think of all the money it saves me not being able to repaint, retile, refloor, etc, etc. The only redecorating I can do in my rig (I already painted all the cabinets and removed the carpet) is to buy a new bedspread and that's even limited because I have two black dogs and one white dog, all of whom shed like crazy. I was okay with just the two black dogs - I had black sheets and dark brown/black bedspreads. Then Sophie, who is white, joined me. Now I have white dog hair on my black sheets. I'm thinking Zebra sheets? Would like to travel more than I do but I'm also okay with living in my rig in an RV park. I have a laundry, pool and when the grass needs mowing, I call the office.