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Hi Girls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:40 pm
by MaryMac
Wow I cant believe how long it has been since I have been on here. Sorry I feel like I ran away from home...
i am in Tucson for a couple months. Have a friend here that is in very poor health. Been taking here to Drs appts.ect...
How are all of you doing? Catch me up please.
The girls are doing great Baby Blue is with my youngest Son at the ranch, loving it...Honey is Awesome. She got a new "DO" this morning. I'll try to get a pic on here..Too funny..
Hope everyone is doing great.. Have an awesome day...

Re: Hi Girls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:48 pm
by Liz
Hey, we've been missing you too. I was wondering what became of you & where you were. Thanks for checking in. A lot has'll have to spend awhile going back through posts, check out the GTGs. Lots of new members, etc. Welcome back!

Re: Hi Girls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:59 pm
by avalen
Hi Mary, its been a really long time and I'm so glad you found your way back here. I had
checked on your blog many times and really thought you must have fell off the edge of
the earth :lol: Sure glad your ok. You have alot of catching up to do :D I'm looking forward
to some picks and you fill us in, what have you been up to? Welcome back!!!!!

Re: Hi Girls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:16 pm
by ali1257
Welcome back Mary.

We are in Scottsdale till tomorrow morning. We are hoping to be on the road by 10:00 or 11:00. We are on our way to Texas for a workkamping job at a campground.

Hope your friend gets better real soon.