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OK, Where is Soos??

PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:52 pm
by BarbaraRose
Did ya'll kidnap Soos at the GTG or did she land in jail and no one is telling? :o Haven't seen her on here for a week!

Soos, where are you?? The Sultan still has the bail money if you need it! Did those girls do something to you and you ran away? May have to send Herschel out looking for you! Hope you didn't get attacked by a gator or something! :shock:

Re: OK, Where is Soos??

PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:01 pm
by avalen
I'm guessing she's hanging with the ORS group now, and when she gets back I want to
know how she really did pulling that rig and all.

Re: OK, Where is Soos??

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:55 am
by Colliemom
I wondered the same thing last week too. Flugured like you did, she got trapped by a wayward alllgator or the local "guys in blue" had to get called in cause to much "receipe" flowing around :lol: and now she's waiting for bail money.

Actually at the moment she is back home in Orlando. Was going to join Beth, Sarah and Tina at another boondocking spot, but her bronchitis is flaring up again, so she's staying put for now. Is planning on heading out to join them tomorrow if she feels up to it. Said her throat was sore last night so she was heading off to bed early. Maybe she will post this morning on Coffee.

Just letting you know :D