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Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:07 pm
by Bethers
Ike and I are on first name terms - usually with a cuss word coming out of my mouth before or after his name.

That said - I'm watching him very closely. If you don't hear much from me later this week, it'll probably mean I pulled out until after he does his thing. I'm still hoping to see him turn another direction - but that always bothers me, too, because then I know another one or more of you will be doing the moving.

What a storm season we're having this year - and a couple more months of it to come. I hope we continue to make it through without any of us getting too hurt by the storms.

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:36 pm
by Cedar518
Keep us posted, and stay safe, my friend!

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:39 pm
by Shirlv
Beth, I think of you everytime the tv mentions Ike. I am not sure where everyone else is located. Sending prayers your way and for anyone else in harms way. Lets use our "Woman Power" and turn Ike away from land. GGRRRRR!!!!

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:53 pm
by oliveoil
God's protective angels all around you & peaches-----& everyone else in that area!!!
Stay safe!!!!!!!!

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:13 pm
by avalen
be safe dear, pull out as soon as they let you and don't dilly dally

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:57 pm
by Acadianmom
They were saying Louisiana until this afternoon and now they are saying more Texas. If I have to evacuate you probably won't have to and if you have to evacuate I probably won't have to. Try not to get caught up in a contraflow if you have to evacuate. Once you get in you can't get out and if the traffic stops you are stuck. There were people stuck on I-49 because their cars overheated. We will probably start moving animals and vehicles out Thursday. I am really getting tired of this.


Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:13 am
by Gentleladybear
Beth Ike can't decide whether he wants to be a hurricane or a tropical storm. He can't make up his mind which way he wants to go either. So he is very fickled. Hang in there until he decides for sure which way he wants to go. That is the reason so many people in Florida are slow about running because sometimes they just turn into a bad rain storm and nothing to run from.

Take care.....


Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:51 pm
by Bethers
I won't make a final decision on leaving/staying until at least tomorrow - but want to pull out Thursday early in the day if I leave. I'm almost ready - have a bunch of bleach in with the water in my water tank, so need to empty that tank and refill it with usable water - will do that yet today or tomorrow. And I'll need help getting my scooter loaded. I supposed I could leave it here in the rec hall - but I prefer to have it with. I might put my outside furniture in the rec hall - but my stuff is all lightweight and travels with me, so I can always throw it on my overcab bed where it normally rides. Only problem there, is I have other stuff up there that I don't intend to store properly (toaster oven, electric grill, etc) - but again, all that is stuff I can do quickly.

I will not wait until Friday (like many intend to do) - if Ike still looks like he's coming that close to Corpus, I'll be outta here for the duration :)

Martha, I'm not seeing anything showing him headed towards you anymore, but yep, as Nan says, Ike is very fickle, and can do anything still.

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:35 pm
by Redetotry
I hope Ike looses steam and no one has to evacuate!! Be safe.

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:23 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Understand you are evacuating this afternoon.....Ernie says to tell you that when you are at a safe location to let us all know where......He worries and so do I....We're watching the storm, too......Thinking of you!!!


Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:37 pm
by Bethers
OK, I left the island today - planning to stay just off the island at my g/f's house tonight. But after visiting with her for a couple hours, I knew that I was in their way - they are still boarding up- have bought a new house, and are arguing about evacuating. So, I decided to move further inland today. I'm not real far inland - in a town called George West, TX. It's the storytelling capital of Texas - but don't know that I'll find out more than that (said so on the sign coming into town).

3-5 other rigs from our park will be joining me here tomorrow. We'll be watching Ike carefully - picked this spot because we can jump on highways in any direction from here. Right now, with the projected path, we could probably sit here safely, but if he turns back just a tad south, we'll need to head further south on Friday. Of course, if he really takes a turn south, we'll have to head north. Like I said, this was a good place to be able to head any direction.

No tv here - no wifi - am using my cell phone. Started out with a great connection, but it's been coming and going - probably from the high humidity. They claim I should be able to get 5 or 6 tv stations, but not getting any good enough to watch. So, going to read here - then will be doing a lot of reading.

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers - and any of the rest of you in Ike's path - you are in mine, also! He looks to be gaining strength quickly - no matter where he comes in, he's going to cause damage and destruction - let's hope no loss of lives!

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:08 pm
by avalen
I feel your not far enough away, go farther, I want you to be safe!! And I hope your tank
is full of gas cause some stations have "out of gas" signs. I'm praying and hoping you
stay safe.

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:28 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Beth....thanks for the update.....if you still have our cell phone #, give us a ring in the morning....(under orders from Ernie to tell you this.... ;) He's so worried... :) ) glad you left today, but please, please, move farther inland if you have to...


Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:40 pm
by Barbzeee
I came back on tonight to see if you had posted...Good to hear you are ok and in an area you can get out fast.. We are all praying that all in Ikes path will be ok..

Watching the news and keeping track of that guy... Hope you have a weather radio...

Cuddle up with Peaches and hang in there ..

God Bless

Re: Hurricane Ike

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:14 pm
by mtngal
Hugs from CA, I'm watching the news carefully, this hurricane tracking is all new to me, and seems very imprecise! It's good you have buddies to travel with should you need to move again, take care, we are ALL thinking about you and others in Ike's path.